How to Get Whetstones in V Rising

ruekuma |  Published: May 09, 2024

Find out how to get Whetstones through early bandit locations in V Rising and learn the blueprint for crafting this key resource.

Whetstones are vital resources in V Rising that allow you to craft powerful items like the Grinder and Scourgestones.

In the early game, acquiring whetstones can be a challenge, but as you progress, options open up. This guide covers where to find whetstones and how to consistently obtain this material in V Rising.

Where to Find V Rising Whetstones

Bandit Armory V Rising
Stunlock Studios

The primary sources of whetstones are bandit camps and enemy areas marked on your map. Hover over these locations, and those listing “Whetstones” contain this valued resource.

One of the best early locations is the Bandit Armory in the western Farbane Woods. Clear out all enemies here, break every barrel and container, and loot every chest – you’ll likely acquire several whetstones.

Bandit Stronghold V Rising
Stunlock Studios

Other key areas include Bandit Strongholds, Bandit Encampments, and even smaller unmarked bandit camps.

While less consistent, any area occupied by bandits can potentially yield whetstones from defeated foes, broken objects, and chests.

As you venture into mid and late-game zones like the Dunley Farmlands, Silverlight Hills, and Cursed Forest, the opportunities increase.

One vital tip: Areas explicitly marked as containing whetstones have significantly higher drop rates, so prioritize those over unmarked locations early on.

How to Craft V Rising Whetstones

Grayson the Armourer V Rising
Stunlock Studios

After defeating the boss Grayson the Armourer at the Bandit Armory, you’ll obtain the blueprint for crafting whetstones at your Furnace.

The ingredients are straightforward:

  • 1 Copper Ingot
  • 12 Stone Dust (9 if on the matching floor)

Stone Dust is a byproduct when crafting Stone Bricks, so create those to acquire this resource efficiently.

With the blueprint and materials, you can consistently produce whetstones whenever needed.

Why Whetstones Matter

Scourgestones V Rising
Stunlock Studios

Whetstones become increasingly crucial as you progress through V Rising’s tech tree and reach the mid-to-late game stages.

A key use is crafting Scourgestones, powerful consumable items requiring:

  • Whetstones
  • Glass
  • Grave Dust

Scourgestones are highly sought-after, so maintaining a solid whetstone supply is paramount. They’re also required for the invaluable Grinder structure that produces resources like Paper.

By understanding where to get whetstones through combat and looting early on, and then transitioning to reliable crafting, you’ll ensure a steady flow of whetstones in V Rising.

Access to Scourgestones, the Grinder, and other pivotal crafts will accelerate your castle’s growth and overall progression in V Rising.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.