How to Level Up Fast in Soulmask

Suki |  Published: June 10, 2024

Find out the best methods to level up fast in Soulmask with our detailed guide. We’ll explain all you need to know.

Leveling up quickly in Soulmask can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. This guide provides effective strategies to boost your character level, awareness level, and mask level. These three elements progress at similar rates, making it easier to optimize your leveling process.

How to Level Up Fast in Soulmask

how to level up fast in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

In Soulmask, Awareness Strength (XP) is crucial for character progression. XP is gained through various actions such as crafting, combat, and gathering. Every completed task, whether by you or your tribesmen, contributes to your XP.

Here are the simple methods on how to level up fast in Soulmask:


how to level up fast in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Crafting is one of the most consistent ways to gain XP. You can craft items either at workstations or directly from your inventory.

  • Make sure to keep crafting easy-to-make materials such as Linen or Strong Rope in your inventory. Doing this consistently will give you a lot of passive XP.
  • To craft multiple items at once, press F to craft the maximum amount, which helps accumulate XP faster.
  • Crafting a lot of Planks and other materials in Workbench can also gain your XP.

Higher-tier items yield more XP. Focus on crafting high-quality items to maximize your XP gains.


how to level up fast in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Gathering resources like wood, stone, and fiber provides XP. Higher-tier resources like clay offer more XP compared to basic materials.

Always collect items while exploring to ensure a constant stream of XP. Combining this method with passive crafting in your inventory yields tons of XP.


how to get salt in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Killing enemies and skinning animals are excellent ways to earn XP. Engaging with higher-level mobs will yield more XP.

Focus on areas like Ancient Ruins, Barbarian Camps, and Ore Pits for consistent enemy encounters.

Maximizing XP with Bonuses

how to level up fast in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Comfort Buff: Achieving a pleasant mood by resting in a well-equipped house provides a 40% increase in body XP and a 10% boost in max load. Ensure your house has a bonfire and comfortable seating to activate this buff.
  • Connection Enhancement: This skill increases the number of tribesmen you can have, which indirectly boosts your XP as your tribesmen perform tasks. Unlocking this skill early can significantly accelerate your XP gain.
  • Forbidden Technology: This skill provides a 5% increase in awareness XP from killing humanoid creatures. Invest in this skill to enhance your combat-related XP gains.

Practical Tips for Efficient Leveling

  • Combine Activities: Engage in multiple tasks simultaneously, such as crafting while gathering resources. This approach maximizes your XP gain from different sources.
  • Focus on High-Quality Crafting: Crafting higher-quality items not only benefits your gameplay but also provides more XP. Equip your tribesmen with high-tier gear to further boost your XP.
  • Explore and Fight: Continuously explore new areas and fight enemies to keep your XP gain steady. Prioritize high-level enemies for greater XP rewards.


Leveling up fast in Soulmask requires a balanced approach involving crafting, gathering, and combat. Utilize bonuses like the comfort buff and connection enhancement to further boost your XP gains.

By following these strategies, you can efficiently increase your character, awareness, and mask levels, enhancing your overall gameplay experience.

Check out our Soulmask guides to help you survive in the tribal-themed world:

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