How to Manage Sanity in Once Human

ruekuma |  Published: July 11, 2024

Discover essential strategies for managing sanity in Once Human. Learn how to avoid insanity and restore mental health in this survival game.

In the harsh world of Once Human, you’ll face many challenges that could threaten your sanity. From battling monsters to finding food and water, staying alive isn’t easy.

Keeping your sanity is crucial for survival in this post-apocalyptic game. Let’s dive into how to manage or restore your sanity in Once Human.

What is Sanity in Once Human?

Once Human Sanity
Image Credits: Quick Tips via Youtube /GameWitted

Your sanity is shown by an icon of a head above your health bar. It’s one of the key things you need to watch out for along with energy, oxygen, hunger, and thirst.

Sanity gets worse when you’re in areas polluted by Stardust or when nasty monsters attack you. If you’re not careful your sanity can drop fast.

What Hurts Your Sanity?

A few things can make you lose your marbles:

  • Stardust pollution in certain areas
  • Getting attacked by weird monsters
  • Swimming in contaminated water
  • Eating raw meat spoiled food or some cooked foods

When your sanity starts to slip you’ll see an insanity bar filling up your health bar. This cuts down your max health points.

The good news? It won’t kill you outright. The bad news? You can’t fix it with normal healing items.

Whims: The Ups and Downs of Going Crazy

If your sanity drops below half you’ll get something called a Whim.

These are weird effects that can help or hurt you. You can have up to six at once. Some examples:

  • Invertebrate: You move faster when hurt but take more physical damage
  • Pyromaniac: You shoot faster against burning enemies but your aim gets worse
  • Magic Mushroom: Mushrooms make you faster and do more fire damage but they also hurt your sanity

How to Manage Sanity in Once Human

Once Human Bed
Image Credits: Quick Tips via Youtube /GameWitted

Now for the important part: how to regain your sanity in Once Human. You’ve got a few options:

  1. Sleep It Off: The easiest way is to catch some Z’s in a bed. You’ll need to craft one first using 20 logs and 3 adhesives. Sleeping restores your sanity and health but won’t get rid of Whims.
  2. Eat Your Way to Sanity: Some foods can help restore your mind:
    • Fruit Tea: Made with water and flowers it gives back 400 sanity points
    • Sanity Gummies: These sweet treats restore 500 sanity points and get rid of bad Whims
    • Other options: Alcohol sugar and some other foods can help too
  3. Avoid the Bad Stuff: Stay out of polluted areas don’t eat raw meat and be careful around monsters.

Crafting Your Sanity Savers

How to Regain Sanity in Once Human
Image Credits: Starry Studios

To make the good stuff you’ll need some equipment:

  • A stove or electric stove (unlock with Meme Points)
  • The Cooking II Memetic (for more recipes)
  • Basic Furniture Memetic (to craft a bed)

Tips for Staying Sane in Once Human

  • Always carry sanity-restoring items when exploring
  • Use your bed at home to save consumables for trips
  • Watch out for Stardust warnings in new areas
  • Cook your meat and boil your water

Remember keeping your sanity high is key to survival in Once Human. It affects your max health and can give you weird effects.

By following these tips you’ll be better equipped to face the horrors of this world without losing your mind. Stay sharp stay sane and maybe you’ll make it through this nightmare in one piece.


  • How do I quickly restore sanity in Once Human?
    • Consume a Sanity Gummy for an instant 500-point boost or sleep in a bed to gradually restore sanity and health.
  • What are the main causes of sanity loss in Once Human?
    • Sanity decreases when exposed to Stardust-polluted areas, attacked by monsters, swimming in contaminated water, or consuming raw or spoiled food.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.