How To Tame Jaguars – Soulmask Mount Guide For Beginners

Suki |  Published: June 03, 2024

Learn how to tame jaguars in Soulmask and use them as your mount. You’ll find everything you need to know here!

Taming jaguars in Soulmask can be a rewarding experience for players looking for a quick and reliable mount. Jaguars, found in the northwest part of the beginning area, offer speed and agility, making them a valuable asset. Follow this beginner-friendly guide to successfully tame a jaguar in Soulmask.

How to Tame Jaguars in Soulmask

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
CampFire Studios

Before attempting to tame a jaguar, certain preparations are essential. Ensure your character is at least at the bronze tier and has an awareness level of 25 or higher.

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Additionally, you need to have the Habit Analysis ability in your mask unlocked. Gather essential equipment and resources, including medium traps, raw meat, planks, thatch, hardwood, and thick rope.

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to tame jaguars:

Find the Tracks

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

While exploring the northwest area, activate your scan to locate animal tracks on the ground. Mark these tracks on your map for future reference, as they are crucial for the taming mini-game.

Set Up Traps and Capture the Kitten

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

To start the mini-game, press ‘E’ on the tracks to activate them. A high-level female jaguar will appear, going through three status stages.

  • The first stage is searching for food, where the jaguar hunts and attacks animals in the area.
  • The second stage is returning home, where she carries prey to a different spot. Follow her unseen to this spot.
  • The final stage is resting, during which a kitten will spawn once the jaguar is resting.

Once the mother jaguar decided on a spot to drop her prey, spread medium traps around that area, ensuring they are in a reasonable range to increase the chances of trapping the jaguar kitten.

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

After the mother jaguar has reached the resting stage, you can kill her. With patience, the kitten will walk into one of the traps.

Note: Make sure you are hidden and stay far away from the kitten, as they are skittish and will run if you are detected.

Once you have captured the kitten, take it back to your base. Ensure your trough has raw meat, or place it directly in the jaguar’s inventory.

How to Use a Jaguar as Your Mount in Soulmask

how to tame jaguars in soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Once you’ve tamed a cute little jaguar kitten, you’ll want to get a saddle for it to ride on when it grows up. The game makes this pretty easy for you.

To craft a Panther Saddle, use 20 Leather, 10 Leather Rope, 10 Fine Cotton, and 5 Bronze Ingots.

Once your jaguar grows into an adult, you will have a new mount. As of now, the jaguar cannot attack while being ridden and is completely passive. However, this might change with future game updates.


In conclusion, taming a jaguar in Soulmask involves preparation, careful tracking, and strategic trapping. With the right resources and patience, you can enjoy the benefits of having a swift and reliable mount.

Make sure to also check our guides on how to tame alpacas and llamas to add to your mount collections.