How to Unlock Enzo in The First Descendant and Is He Worth?

Kyuma |  Published: July 03, 2024

Discover how to unlock Enzo in The First Descendant and whether this support character’s unique abilities make him worth adding to your team.

The First Descendant offers players a diverse roster of characters, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Among these heroes is Enzo, a support character who brings a mix of utility and offensive capabilities to the battlefield.

This guide will explore how to unlock Enzo and whether his skill set makes him a valuable addition to your team.

How to Unlock Enzo in The First Descendant?

How to Unlock Enzo in The First Descendant
Image Credits: NEXON

Players have two options for unlocking Enzo in The First Descendant:

Option 1: Research and Crafting

To unlock Enzo through research, players need to craft specific materials and pay a substantial amount of in-game currency. The process involves crafting several components and paying a research fee. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the materials required:

ComponentMaterials Needed
Enzo Enhanced Cells– 499x Monomolecular Extractor
– 292x Flectorite
– 58x Inorganic Biogel
– 1x Enzo Enhanced Cells Blueprint
Enzo Stabilizer– 430x Silicon
– 363x Nanopolymers
– 90x Advanced Neural Circuit
– 1x Enzo Stabilizer Blueprint
Enzo Spiral Catalyst– 290x Semi-permanent Plasma
– 408x Ceramic Composite
– 42x Positive Ion Particle
– 1x Enzo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint
Enzo Code– Amorphous Material Pattern
Research Fee400,000 Credits

The total cost of crafting these materials can reach up to 1 million gold, not including the 400,000 credits research fee.

To find the drop locations for these materials, players can speak with Magisters Anais at the Research Institute. Hovering over an item and clicking on “Acquisition Info” will reveal where it can be obtained.

Note: Check out our First Descendant Tier List.

Option 2: Store Purchase

For players who prefer a quicker unlock method, Enzo can be purchased directly from the in-game store for 600 Caliber, the game’s premium currency.

This approach to unlocking Enzo bypasses the need for extensive resource gathering and crafting, but it does require the use of premium currency which may have real-money value.

Note: Check out our guide on how to unlock every other Descendant in The First Descendant.

Is Enzo Worth Buying in The First Descendant?

Is Enzo Worth Buying in The First Descendant
Image Credits: NEXON

Enzo is a support character in The First Descendant who specializes in supplying ammo to allies while also launching long-range attacks. His unique combination of supportive and offensive abilities makes him a versatile asset on the battlefield.

Enzo’s skillset revolves around providing support to teammates while maintaining offensive pressure on enemies.


  1. Versatility: Enzo can support allies with ammo and shields while dealing damage to enemies.
  2. Team synergy: His abilities complement various team compositions.
  3. Increased rewards: Enzo’s passive ability can boost mission rewards.


  1. Resource investment: Unlocking Enzo through research requires a significant amount of in-game resources.
  2. Playstyle preference: Players who enjoy a support role with offensive capabilities may find Enzo appealing.
  3. Team needs: Consider whether your current team composition would benefit from Enzo’s unique skillset.

Summary Table

Enzo The First DescendantDetails
Character TypeSupport
Unlock MethodsResearch (up to 1 million gold) or Store Purchase (600 Caliber)
Key AbilitiesAmmo supply, explosive drones, shield recovery, supply ship
StrengthsVersatility, team synergy, increased rewards
ConsiderationsResource investment, playstyle preference, team needs

In conclusion, Enzo offers a unique blend of support and offensive capabilities in The First Descendant. While unlocking him requires a significant investment of resources or premium currency, his versatile skillset can be a valuable asset to many team compositions. Players should consider their playstyle preferences and team needs when deciding whether to unlock Enzo.