How to Unlock the Solitary Crusade Quest in Wuthering Waves

Shida |  Published: June 03, 2024

Here is everything you need to know about how to unlock the Solitary Crusade Quest in Wuthering Waves!

Wuthering Waves players eager to complete the Solitary Crusade quest and earn the Keeper in the Darkness trophy might find themselves at a loss. The quest, which is tied to the upcoming Resonator Yinlin, is currently unavailable in the game’s Version 1.0. Here’s what we know about unlocking this companion story.

How to Unlock the Solitary Crusade Quest in Wuthering Waves

How to Unlock Solitary Crusade Quest in Wuthering Waves
Kuro Game Studio

Despite the Keeper in the Darkness trophy appearing in the Trophies menu, the Solitary Crusade quest remains inaccessible. This is because the quest is linked to Yinlin, a character who has yet to be released in Wuthering Waves. You will need to wait for her banner to drop before they can embark on this particular adventure.

To access the Solitary Crusade quest, you will likely need to meet certain requirements. Based on previous companion stories, it’s expected that you will need to complete the Tutorial Quest Photos of Jinzhou and reach Union Level 16. These prerequisites ensure that you have a solid foundation in the game before tackling Yinlin’s story.

One piece of good news for you is that you likely won’t need to unlock Yinlin to participate in the Solitary Crusade quest. In Wuthering Waves, companion stories typically don’t require players to have the associated character.

This means that even if players don’t manage to pull Yinlin from her banner, they should still be able to experience her story and earn the trophy.

Yinlin’s Banner Release Date

Yinlin's Banner Release Date
Kuro Game Studio

Speculation suggests that the Solitary Crusade quest will become available alongside Yinlin’s banner, which is set to be released on June 6th, 2024, as part of the Version 1.1 update. The banner, titled “When Thunder Pours,” will feature Yinlin and three four-star Resonators: Taoqi, Aalto, and Yuanwu.

The Solitary Crusade Quest Rewards

Our speculation is, that after completing the Solitary Crusade quest, you will be rewarded with 10 Astrites and the Keeper in the Darkness trophy. However, the exact walkthrough for the quest remains unknown, as it has not been released in the current version of the game. You will need to wait for the Version 1.1 update to uncover the details of Yinlin’s story.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.