How to Unlock Valby in The First Descendant and Is She Worth It?

Kyuma |  Published: July 03, 2024

Discover how to unlock Valby in The First Descendant, explore her unique water-based abilities, and learn if she is worth adding to your team.

The First Descendant offers players a variety of unique characters to choose from, each with their own set of skills and abilities. Among these heroes is Valby, a descendant who specializes in water-based attacks and crowd control.

This article will guide you through the process of unlocking Valby and help you decide if she’s worth adding to your team.

How to Unlock Valby in The First Descendant?

How to unlock Valby in The First Descendant
Image Credits: NEXON

Method 1: Researching Valby

ComponentMaterials RequiredQuantityAdditional Cost
Valby Enhanced CellsRepton422


Data Processing Neural Circuit48

Valby Enhanced Cell Blueprint1

Valby StabilizerMonad Shard246

Compound Coating Material239

Negative Ion Particle40

Valby Stabilizer Blueprint1

Valby Spiral CatalystMetal Accelerant519


Encrypted Neural Circuit32

Valby Spiral Catalyst Blueprint1
Valby CodeAmorphous Material Pattern 0321

Amorphous Material Pattern 0361

Void Fusion Reactor1

Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor1
Research CostCredits400,000

Method 2: Purchasing Valby

For players who prefer a quicker route, Valby can be purchased directly from the store for 600 Caliber. This option is available for those who don’t want to spend time gathering materials or prefer to use real money.

Is Valby Worth Unlocking in The First Descendant?

Is Valby worth unlocking in The First Descendant
Image Credits: NEXON

To determine if Valby is worth unlocking and using in The First Descendant, let’s examine her strengths, weaknesses, and overall value in more detail:


  1. Unique Crowd Control: Valby’s water-based abilities excel at controlling the battlefield.
  2. Versatile Skill Set: With abilities that offer both offensive and defensive options, Valby can adapt to various combat situations.
  3. Team Synergy: Valby’s ability to create advantageous battlefield conditions can greatly benefit her teammates, potentially increasing overall team effectiveness.
  4. Unique Playstyle: For players who enjoy strategic, control-oriented gameplay, Valby offers a fresh and engaging experience.


  1. Learning Curve: Mastering Valby’s skills and understanding how to use them effectively in various situations may take time and practice.
  2. Potentially Lower Direct Damage: Compared to pure damage-dealing characters, Valby’s damage output might be lower, focusing more on control and sustained damage over time.
  3. Situational Effectiveness: In scenarios where crowd control is less important, Valby might not be as effective as other, more damage-focused characters.

Valby can be a highly valuable addition to many team compositions in The First Descendant, particularly for players who enjoy strategic gameplay and team-oriented tactics. Her unique ability to control the battlefield can turn the tide of battles, creating opportunities for teammates and disrupting enemy formations.

For solo players, Valby’s effectiveness may vary depending on the content being tackled. While her crowd-control abilities can make certain encounters easier, players might find her learning curve steeper when playing alone.

Summary Table

Valby The First DescendantDetails
Unlock MethodsResearch (materials + 400,000 credits) or Purchase (600 Caliber)
PlaystyleWater-based attacks, Crowd control
Key AbilitiesClean Up, Plop Plop, Laundry Bomb
StrengthsBattlefield control, Enemy disruption, Versatility
WeaknessesLearning curve, Potentially costly to acquire

Whether Valby is “worth it” ultimately depends on individual playstyle preferences and team needs. For players who enjoy tactical gameplay and are willing to invest time in mastering a unique character, Valby can be an excellent choice. Her crowd-control abilities and battlefield manipulation make her a strong asset in many situations.

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