Lack of Entertainment? Manor Lords Guide

Suki |  Published: April 30, 2024

Discover how to fix the Lack of Entertainment problem in Manor Lords with our detailed guide!

Unlike in the 21st century, where you get to simply whip up your phone and watch Netflix, entertainment in Manor Lords is not that simple to provide. You might get “Lack of Entertainment” problem in the game, and it’s quite frustating. But worry not! This guide covers all you need to know to fix the Lack of Entertainment problem in Manor Lords!

Lack of Entertainment in Manor Lords

lack of entertainment manor lords
Slavic Magic

The Lack of Entertainment prompt appears when your Tavern does not have enough ale to meet the amenity requirements of Level 3 Burgage Plots. Consequently, this deficiency leads to a decline in approval ratings, hindering your ability to progress and expand your settlement effectively.

The primary cause of the Lack of Entertainment issue is an insufficient supply of ale in the Tavern. Ale is a crucial commodity that keeps your citizen content and entertained, ensuring their continued productivity.

How to Fix the Lack of Entertainment Problem

To fix the Lack of Entertainment problem in Manor Lords, you must adopt a two-pronged approach:

Continuous Barley Production

lack of entertainment manor lords
Slavic Magic

Ensuring a steady supply of barley is vital for maintaining ale production. Establish barley fields on terrain with high fertility ratings and implement efficient crop rotation practices to maximize yields. The barley can then be processed at a Malthouse to produce ale for the Tavern.

Import Barley or Ale

lack of entertainment manor lords
Slavic Magic

If your settlement struggles to produce enough barley domestically, consider importing it or ale directly via the Trading Post. While importing ale may be more expensive, it can provide a temporary solution until your local production stabilizes.

    However, importing ale requires establishing a trading route and a consistent source of regional wealth, which may not be feasible in the early stages of the game.

    Additional Considerations

    lack of entertainment manor lords
    Slavic Magic

    Addressing the Lack of Entertainment issue is not only essential for maintaining high approval ratings but also unlocks access to new buildings, technologies, and opportunities for settlement expansion.

    Therefore, you should prioritize implementing the solutions that we have mentioned to ensure your villagers remain entertained and productive.


    In Manor Lords, a well-entertained population is the cornerstone of a prosperous and thriving settlement. By following the strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can fix the Lack of Entertainment problem and bring joy into your village!

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