LoL Swarm Illaoi Best Build & How to Unlock Illaoi

Shida |  Published: July 18, 2024

Discover LoL Swarm Illaoi best build in the newest mode. Maximize speed farm with our optimized item and upgrade guides.

Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess, is a formidable champion in League of Legends Swarm. Her ability to spawn tentacles and control zones makes her a powerful force on the battlefield. This article will cover how to unlock Illaoi, her best builds, gameplay strategies, and team compositions.

How to Unlock Illaoi in LoL Swarm

Unlocking Illaoi in LoL Swarm is straightforward. You just need to progress through the game’s content and complete specific challenges or missions. The exact requirement for Illaoi is to upgrade Radiant Field to level 4. Once unlocked, Illaoi becomes available for use in matches.

Note: Refer to our guide here on how to unlock every playable character in LoL Swarm.

LoL Swarm Illaoi Best Build

LoL Swarm Illaoi
Riot Games

Illaoi’s strength lies in her ability to dominate zones with tentacles. Here are three powerful builds to maximize her potential:

Illaoi Tank Build

Weapons and Items:

Eye of GodRadiant FieldVortex GloveIceblast ArmorStattik Sword
Illaoi WeaponRadiant FieldVortex GloveIceblast ArmorStattik Sword

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

durationSwarm Augment Armor UpDamageHealth Regenmax-health-altHaste
DurationArmorDamageHealth RegenMax HealthHaste

The tank build allows Illaoi to sustain longer in fights. Radiant Field and Iceblast Armor provide defensive stats, while Vortex Glove and Statikk Sword offer utility and damage.

Illaoi Damage Carry Build

Weapons and Items:

Eye of GodBunny Mega-BlastGatling Bunny-GunsStattik SwordBattle Bunny Crowbow
Illaoi WeaponBunny Mega BlastBunny GunsStatikk SwordBunny Crossbow

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

durationCrit ChanceDamageHealth Regenmax-health-altHaste
DurationCrit ChanceDamageHealth RegenMax HealthHaste

This build focuses on maximizing Illaoi’s damage output and tentacle spawning. The Bunny items provide excellent crit chance and damage, while Statikk Sword adds area-of-effect damage.

Illaoi Destruction Build

Weapons and Items:

Eye of GodBunny Mega-BlastGatling Bunny-GunsStattik SwordBattle Bunny Crowbow
Illaoi WeaponBunny Mega BlastThe AnnihilatorSearing ShortbowBunny Crossbow

Passive Upgrades and Augments:

durationexpArea SizeCrit ChanceDamageHaste
DurationEXPArea SizeCrit ChanceDamageHaste

This build emphasizes area-of-effect damage. The Annihilator and Searing Shortbow increase area size and damage, while Bunny items provide crit chance and additional damage.

Best Teams for Illaoi in LoL Swarm

Best Teams for Illaoi in LoL Swarm
Riot Games

Illaoi works well in team compositions that can benefit from her zone control and sustained damage. Here are some effective team setups:

  • Tank and Support: Pair Illaoi with a tank and support champion. The tank can draw attention while Illaoi deals damage, and the support can enhance her survivability.
  • AOE Damage Dealers: Combine Illaoi with other area-of-effect damage dealers to create devastating team fight potential.
  • Crowd Control Champions: Champions with crowd control abilities can keep enemies within Illaoi’s tentacle zones, maximizing her damage output.
  • Mobile Assassins: Fast, mobile champions can help chase down enemies that try to escape Illaoi’s zone of control.

Illaoi’s versatility allows her to fit into various team compositions. The key is to have teammates who can either enhance her strengths or cover her weaknesses.

Mastering Illaoi in LoL Swarm requires practice and understanding of her unique playstyle. By utilizing the right builds, employing effective strategies, and working well with teammates, players can unleash the full potential of this powerful champion. Whether dominating as a damage dealer or sustaining as a tanky frontliner, Illaoi offers diverse gameplay options for players to explore and enjoy.

Other Lol Swarm Champion build guide:

Jinx Best Build | Yasuo Best Build | Serpahine Best Build

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.