LoL Swarm Riven Build And How To Unlock Riven?

Kyuma |  Published: July 18, 2024

Learn how to unlock Riven in the new PVE mode Swarm. Master the best Riven builds and tips to dominate waves of enemies and bosses

Riven is one of nine playable champions in LoL Swarm, Riot Games’ exciting new PVE game mode. Swarm challenges players to battle waves of enemies solo or team up with friends before confronting fearsome bosses.

While Riven isn’t available right away, unlocking her is worth the effort. This guide explains how to unlock Riven in Swarm and breaks down the best Riven builds and strategies to maximize her potential in this unique PVE experience.

How To Unlock Riven in LoL Swarm?

How To Unlock Riven in LoL Swarm
Image Credits: Riot Games

To get access to Riven, players must defeat Rek’Sai on the Warehouse District map at hard settings. This formidable task may take a few attempts, but teaming up with friends can greatly improve the odds of success. With persistence and teamwork, players will soon wield Riven’s devastating abilities.

Note: Refer to our guide here on how to unlock every playable character in LoL Swarm.

LoL Riven Swarm Build

LoL Riven Swarm Build
Image Credits: Riot Games

Balanced Build

Items and Weapons

Riven WeaponBlade-o-rangBattle Bunny CrossbowRadiant FieldIceblast Armor
Riven WeaponBlade-o-rangBattle Bunny CrossbowRadiant FieldIceblast Armor

Passive Upgrades

Movement SpeedCrit ChanceHealth RegenDamagemax-health-altArmor
Movement SpeedCrit ChanceHealth RegenDamageMax HealthArmor

Tank Build

Items and Weapons

Riven WeaponRadiant FieldIceblast ArmorBlade-o-rangCyclonic Slicers
Riven WeaponRadiant FieldIceblast ArmorBlade-o-rangCyclonic Slicers

Passive Upgrades

Movement SpeedHealth Regenmax-health-altArmorDamageHaste
Movement SpeedHealth RegenMax HealthArmorDamageHaste

High Damage Build

Items and Weapons

Riven WeaponUwU BlasterBlade-o-rangBunny Mega-BlastStatikk Sword
Riven WeaponUwU BlasterBlade-o-rangBunny Mega-BlastStatikk Sword

Passive Upgrades

Movement SpeedCrit ChanceDamagemax-health-altHasteexp
Movement SpeedCrit ChanceDamageMax HealthHasteEXP

Hard-to-get-close-to Riven Build

Items and Weapons

Riven WeaponCyclonic SlicersBlade-o-rangEchoing BatbladesStatikk Sword
Riven WeaponCyclonic SlicersBlade-o-rangEchoing BatbladesStatikk Sword

Passive Upgrades

Movement SpeedCrit ChanceDamagemax-health-altHasteexp
Movement SpeedCrit ChanceDamageMax HealthHasteEXP

Riven Swarm Tips and Tricks

  • Use Riven’s E ability often for mobility and damage, as it has a short cooldown
  • Save Riven’s powerful ultimate for bosses and tough enemy waves in later stages
  • When playing solo, group mini-bosses together and hit them with Riven’s ultimate to defeat them quickly

Unlocking and mastering Riven in LoL Swarm takes dedication, but her unmatched damage and mobility make her one of the mode’s most rewarding champs. By following this guide’s advice on how to unlock Riven and building her optimally based on the situation, players will soon be racking up PVE victories as this legendary warrior.

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