LoL Swarm Xayah Build And How To Unlock Xayah?

Kyuma |  Published: July 18, 2024

Master Xayah in LoL Swarm with our build guide. Learn how to unlock, ability details & optimized builds for beginners & damage dealers alike.

Xayah has made her way into League of Legends’ new Swarm game mode. This guide will walk you through the best builds and strategies to maximize Xayah’s potential in Swarm. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deal massive damage, we’ve got you covered.

How To Unlock Xayah in LoL Swarm?

How To Unlock Xayah in LoL Swarm
Image Credits: Riot Games

Before diving into builds, it’s important to note that Xayah is one of the most challenging champions to unlock in Swarm. To gain access to this powerful character:

  1. Complete the main storyline
  2. Unlock Hard Mode
  3. Finish 20 Bel’Veth missions and trials

This process can be time-consuming, especially when playing with random teammates. For the best results, consider tackling these missions solo.

Note: Refer to our guide here on how to unlock every playable character in LoL Swarm.

LoL Xayah Swarm Build

LoL Xayah Swarm Build
Image Credits: Riot Games

Beginner Friendly Build

Items and Weapons

Xayah WeaponLioness' LamentPaw Print PoisonerStatikk SwordGatling Bunny-Guns
Xayah WeaponLioness’ LamentPaw Print PoisonerStatikk SwordGatling Bunny-Guns

Passive Upgrades

Pick up radiusexpDamageCrit ChanceMovement SpeedHealth Regen
Pick up radiusEXPDamageCrit ChanceMovement SpeedHealth Regen

High Damage Build

Items and Weapons

Xayah WeaponBlade-o-rangGatling Bunny-GunsStatikk SwordBunny Mega-Blast
Xayah WeaponBlade-o-rangGatling Bunny-GunsStatikk SwordBunny Mega-Blast

Passive Upgrades

Pick up radiusDamageCrit ChanceHasteProjectilesMovement Speed
Pick up radiusDamageCrit ChanceHasteProjectilesMovement Speed

Crit Damage Build

Items and Weapons

Xayah WeaponBunny Mega-BlastGatling Bunny-GunsUwU BlasterBattle Bunny Crossbow
Xayah WeaponBunny Mega-BlastBunny-GunsUwU BlasterBunny Crossbow

Passive Upgrades

Pick up radiusCrit ChanceDamageProjectilesdurationHaste
Pick up radiusCrit ChanceDamageProjectilesDurationHaste

Xayah Swarm Tips and Tricks

To elevate your Xayah gameplay:

  1. Combo your abilities: Use your Ultimate followed immediately by your E ability. This creates a swath of feathers for maximum damage and crowd control.
  2. Strategic Ultimate Usage: Bladestorm can help you dodge projectiles. Use it for both offense and defense.
  3. Ability haste is key: If ideal weapons aren’t available, invest in ability haste upgrades to improve overall efficiency.
  4. Position carefully: Use Xayah’s enhanced pickup range to collect XP and gold safely.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate Swarm mode with Xayah. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if it takes time to master her unique playstyle.

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