LoL Wild Rift Lissandra Build: Best Items, Runes, & Counters

Kyuma |  Published: July 22, 2024

Master Lissandra in Wild Rift with our guide. Learn optimal builds, runes, abilities & strategies to dominate as the Ice Witch in mid-lane.

Lissandra has made her debut in League of Legends: Wild Rift. This powerful mage brings a unique blend of crowd control and burst damage to the Rift, making her a formidable presence in both mid and top lanes.

This comprehensive guide will help you master Lissandra’s icy abilities, optimize her build, and dominate your matches.

Lissandra Abilities in LoL Wild Rift

Champion Spotlight Lissandra
Image Credits: Gamewitted
Iceborn Subjugation (Passive)
Iceborn Subjugation (Passive)
When enemies die near Lissandra, they become Frozen Thralls that slow nearby foes and explode for magic damage.
Ice Shard (Q)
Ice Shard (Q)
Lissandra throws a piercing ice shard, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit.
Ring of Frost (W)
Ring of Frost (W)
Creates an icy field around Lissandra, rooting and damaging nearby enemies.
Glacial Path (E)
Glacial Path (E)
Sends out an ice claw that damages enemies. Reactivate to teleport to its location.
Frozen Tomb (R)
Frozen Tomb (R)
Freezes target enemy champion or Lissandra herself, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Best Lissandra Build LoL Wild Rift

Best Lissandra Build LoL Wild Rift
Image credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Lissandra in LoL Wild Rift

Luden's Echo
Luden’s Echo
Infinity Orb
Infinity Orb
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon’s Deathcap
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Awakened Soulstealer
Awakened Soulstealer
Boots of Mana
Boots of Mana (Stasis Enchant)

These items provide Lissandra with a potent mix of ability power, cooldown reduction, and survivability. Luden’s Echo enhances her burst potential, while Crown of the Shattered Queen offers crucial protection in teamfights.

Optimal Runes for Lissandra:

  • Electrocute: Boosts burst damage potential
  • Scorch: Enhances early-game poke
  • Cheap Shot: Synergizes well with her crowd-control abilities
  • Eyeball Collector: Provides scaling AP for late-game power
  • Transcendence: Offers valuable cooldown reduction

How to Play Lissandra in LoL Wild Rift

How to Play Lissandra in LoL Wild Rift
Image Credits: Riot
  • Early Game
    • In the early game, Lissandra focuses on safe farming and strategic harassment. Use Ice Shard (Q) to last hit minions while simultaneously poking your opponent, taking advantage of its piercing effect. Conserve mana in the first few levels, only using abilities when you can hit both the wave and the enemy laner. Ward river bushes diligently to avoid ganks, as Lissandra is vulnerable without her Glacial Path (E) available.
    • At level 3, start looking for all-in opportunities. The E > W > Q combo can significantly damage enemies, especially with Electrocute proc’d. Coordinate with your jungler for ganks, using Ring of Frost (W) to set up easy kills. Remember, your goal is to safely reach your power spikes while denying your opponent as much farm as possible.
  • Mid Game:
    • As you transition into the mid-game, Lissandra’s impact on the map grows substantially. Push your lane quickly with Q and look for roaming opportunities. Glacial Path allows you to take unexpected gank paths, surprising side lanes, or the enemy jungler. In skirmishes, hold your Frozen Tomb (R) for key moments – use it to either lock down a priority target or save yourself when focused.
    • Place deep wards in the enemy jungle, using your E to safely check dangerous spots. In objective fights, position near walls to maximize your Glacial Path’s effectiveness for both engage and escape. Look for picks on isolated targets with your E > W > R combo. Your goal during this phase is to create map pressure, secure objectives, and transition your early game advantage into a team-wide lead.
  • Late Game: In late-game teamfights, Lissandra excels at both engaging and peeling. Look for opportunities to flank with Glacial Path and lock down key targets with Frozen Tomb. Alternatively, use your ultimate defensively to survive burst damage and create chaos with your area-of-effect abilities. Position carefully to maximize the impact of your Frozen Thralls from fallen enemies.

Lissandra LoL Wild Rift Counters

Lissandra LoL Wild Rift Counters
Image credits: GameWitted
Brand lolZiggs lolAkali LoLZed lolTristana lolGaren lol
BrandZiggsAkali ZedTristanaGaren
Lissandra LoL Wild Rift Counters

Lissandra can struggle against long-range mages like Brand and Ziggs who can poke her from afar. Mobile assassins like Akali and Zed can also pose a threat if they dodge her abilities. In the top lane, sustain-heavy fighters like Garen or Darius can outlast her burst and push her out of lane.

Summary Table: Lissandra at a Glance

Lissandra lolDetails
RoleMid Lane, Top Lane (Not Recommended – but can be played)
Damage TypeMagic
Play StyleControl Mage
Key AbilitiesGlacial Path (E), Frozen Tomb (R)
Core ItemsLuden’s Echo, Infinity Orb, Rabadon’s Deathcap
CountersLong-range mages, mobile assassins
SynergiesTeams with strong engage or pick potential

Mastering Lissandra requires practice and patience, but her potential to control teamfights and burst down priority targets makes her a valuable addition to any team composition. With this guide, you’re well-equipped to freeze your enemies in their tracks and climb the ranks of Wild Rift.


  • Is Lissandra on Wild Rift?
    • Yes, Lissandra has been added to Wild Rift’s champion roster.
  • How old is Lissandra in LoL?
    • Lissandra’s exact age is unknown, but she is described as an ancient being, potentially thousands of years old.
  • What is Lissandra in League of Legends?
    • Lissandra is a control mage known as the Ice Witch, specializing in crowd control and area-of-effect damage.
  • What is the best position for Lissandra?
    • Lissandra excels in the mid lane, but can also be effective in the top lane.
  • Is Lissandra any good?
    • Lissandra is a strong pick in the right hands, offering powerful crowd control and teamfight presence.
  • What counters Lissandra in Wild Rift?
    • Long-range mages like Brand and Ziggs, as well as mobile assassins like Akali and Zed, can be challenging for Lissandra to deal with.

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