Manor Lords: Basic Crop Rotation – Farming Guide

Suki |  Published: May 01, 2024

Maximize crop yields in Manor Lords with the simple and basic crop rotation farming strategy explained in this guide!

Without food, people die… Well we don’t want that, right? Either in real life or in the midieval town-simulator, Manor Lords. To have ample food supplies, you need to know how farming works. The thing is, you don’t need to make farming complicated. We’ll provide you a guide to do a basic crop rotation for efficient farming in Manor Lords.

Basic Crop Rotation for Farming in Manor Lords

manor lords basic crop rotation farming guide
Slavic Magic /GameWitted

Different crops have varying fertility requirements, indicated by positive or negative symbols. Rye, for instance, is a hardy crop that can grow in poor soil conditions, making it an excellent choice for early-game farming. On the other hand, crops like flax and barley require higher soil fertility to thrive.

Continuous cultivation of the same crop depletes soil fertility over time. To avoid this, Manor Lords employs a crop rotation system.

Allowing fields to lie fallow (uncultivated) for a period can help replenish fertility levels. However, leaving fields idle for too long can be counterproductive, as it reduces overall productivity.

So, how to efficiently use the crop rotation system without making things complicated? Here’s how!

manor lords basic crop rotation farming guide
Slavic Magic /GameWitted
  1. Establish three adjacent farms of equal size (around one Morgan or one acre each).
  2. Plant one farm with your desired crop (e.g., rye) while leaving the other two fallow.
  3. The following year, rotate the crops by planting the second farm and leaving the first and third fallow.
  4. In the third year, plant the third farm while leaving the first two fallow.

This rotation ensures that one field is always producing a crop while the other two are resting and regenerating fertility. By the time you return to the first field, its fertility should have recovered sufficiently to support another harvest.

Enhancing Fertility with Pastures

manor lords basic crop rotation farming guide
Slavic Magic

Once you’ve unlocked the “Fertilization” technology, you can take your crop rotation to the next level. This feature allows you to designate fallow fields as pastures for livestock, such as sheep or goats. As the animals graze, they naturally fertilize the soil, accelerating the fertility recovery process.

With pastures, you can transition to a more intensive crop rotation system, potentially growing crops on the same field every year. This maximizes your agricultural output while maintaining optimal soil conditions.

Diversifying Your Crops

While the three-field rotation system works well for staple crops like rye, you may eventually want to diversify your farming efforts. Crops like barley (for ale production) and flax (for clothing) become increasingly important as your settlement grows.

By employing the principles of crop rotation and utilizing pastures, you can effectively manage multiple crop types across your farmlands. This not only ensures a consistent supply of resources but also promotes soil health and sustainability.


In Manor Lords, effective farming is the backbone of a prosperous settlement. By implementing simple yet efficient crop rotation strategies and leveraging the game’s mechanics, such as pastures and fallow periods, you can maximize your agricultural productivity while maintaining a sustainable and balanced ecosystem.

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