Marvel Rivals: How to Play Storm and Best Team Comps

Suki |  Published: May 20, 2024

Learn how to play Storm in Marvel Rivals and find out the best team composition for her with this detailed guide.

Marvel Rivals Closed Beta phase is finally here, offering numerous heroes to play. One of the strongest characters in Marvel Rivals is Storm, known for her ability to deal high damage and provide buffs. Follow this guide on how to play Storm effectively and discover the best team composition to complement her strengths.

How to Play Storm in Marvel Rivals

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Image Credits: GameWitted

Storm possesses hybrid abilities, allowing her to switch between damage mode and movement mode. Consequently, her role is also a hybrid, functioning as both a Duelist and a Strategist. Her presence on the team can be incredibly impactful, but even a character as powerful as Storm can falter if not utilized correctly.

Here are some key aspects to remember while playing Storm.

Balancing Flight and Ground Combat

marvel rivals how to play storm
Image Credits: GameWitted

While Storm has the ability to fly constantly, it doesn’t mean she should always be in the air. Sometimes, it’s more advantageous to remain on the ground.

Balance is crucial. Assess the surroundings and the positions of both enemies and teammates. Being airborne too often can make you predictable and easier to target. Confuse your enemies by balancing flight and ground combat.

Remember to Switch the Weather

marvel rivals how to play storm
Image Credits: GameWitted

Always remember to switch the weather according to your team’s needs. If your team is pushing or rushing, use the movement speed buff. This can be critical in determining the outcome of engagements.

Conversely, if your team is in the midst of a heavy battle, switch to the damage buff. This may seem straightforward, but it’s a common mistake to forget this switch. Make it a habit to adjust the weather as needed.

Timing Your Ultimate

marvel rivals how to play storm
Image Credits: GameWitted

Storm’s ultimate, similar to Scarlet Witch’s, is a game-changing ability. Do not use it recklessly; instead, wait for the perfect moment during a team clash. Ensure that the enemies are grouped together before unleashing the hurricane for maximum impact.

Storm’s Best Team Composition in Marvel Rivals

marvel rivals storm best team comp
Image Credits: GameWitted

The optimal team composition for Storm includes Doctor Strange, Groot, Punisher, Star-Lord, and Luna Snow. This combination leverages Storm’s strengths and mitigates her weaknesses, creating a formidable team in Marvel Rivals.

  • Doctor Strange and Groot: Their ultimates can freeze enemies in a confined area, setting up Storm’s hurricane perfectly. Effective communication with your teammates is essential to execute this combo.
  • Punisher and Star-Lord: These two are the best Duelists to pair with Storm. Both benefit greatly from her movement and damage buffs. Ensure that the three of you stick together to inflict devastating damage on the enemy team.
  • Luna Snow: As a Strategist, Luna Snow pairs excellently with Storm. Both can provide movement speed bonuses to teammates, which is extremely advantageous. Additionally, Luna Snow’s “Share the Stage” skill can automatically heal Storm when Luna heals others. This is particularly useful since Storm is often airborne and difficult to reach.


Mastering Storm in Marvel Rivals involves balancing her flight and ground combat, strategically switching her weather buffs, and timing her ultimate for maximum impact.

Pairing her with the right team, including Doctor Strange, Groot, Punisher, Star-Lord, and Luna Snow, further enhances her strengths and mitigates her weaknesses. By following these guidelines, you can effectively utilize Storm’s hybrid abilities and lead your team to dominate the Beta phase.

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