Nine Sols Review: Is it Good?

Suki |  Published: May 30, 2024

Are you trying to find out if Nine Sols is a good game and worth playing or not? Explore all you need to know in our review!

Nine Sols, one of the most anticipated new souls-like indie games, has been officially released. We had the opportunity to play this game, and it has been a thrilling experience. With stunning cyberpunk visuals and an engaging storyline, Nine Sols follows the adventures of a warrior cat named Yi. If you’re wondering whether this new game is worth playing, rest assured, we will provide you with a comprehensive review of Nine Sols.

Combat System (9/10)

nine sols review
Image Credits: GameWitted

The core gameplay revolves around the parry combat system, where you must block enemy attacks at precisely the right moment to build up “G-stacks.” These G-stacks enable you to execute powerful counterattacks.

Initially, we found mastering the parry and dodge mechanics challenging. However, after extensive play, the timing and controls for parrying became more familiar.

The best part is the satisfaction of mastering the parry system. Scoring a perfect parry feels incredibly rewarding and is one of the most addictive aspects of Nine Sols.

Character Customization (9/10)

nine sols review
Image Credits: GameWitted

A standout feature is the deep customization. As you progress, you’ll earn upgrade points that can be spent to tailor your fighter’s moveset and abilities to fit your preferred playstyle.

Want to double down on parry precision? There are skills for that. More interested in evasive dodging and mobility? Those options are there too. This flexibility ensures your character fits your preferred playstyle.

While it’s just an indie 2D game, Nine Sols ensures that players can enjoy the combat gameplay according to their unique playstyles. This flexibility is definitely a plus!

Visuals (9/10)

nine sols review
Image Credits: GameWitted

While the gameplay is undoubtedly the star, Nine Sols’ exceptional artistic visuals deserve equal praise. The developers have crafted a beautiful cyberpunk-inspired universe with striking hand-drawn environments that ooze personality and detail.

From the vibrant, neon-drenched city streets to the dark, foreboding industrial corridors, every new area you explore feels like a miniature work of art.

The character designs are just as impressive, with distinct and intricately rendered combatants. Simply drinking in the sights of this rich dystopian world is a visceral joy.

Bosses (8/10)

nine sols review
Image Credits: GameWitted

Your parry mastery will be put to the ultimate test against Nine Sols’ bosses. These epic encounters are intense, multi-phase affairs that require careful study of the boss’ unique movesets and attacks.

You’ll need to react with lightning precision, dodge massive area attacks, and capitalize on openings to whittle them down.

While the demo’s final boss was a bit anti-climactic, the developers have promised that the full game’s bosses will offer a more challenging test for players.

Sound/Music (8/10)

nine sols review
Image Credits: GameWitted

Complementing the gorgeous visuals is Nine Sols’ impressive audio design that truly immerses you in the action.

The hard-hitting cyberpunk-inspired soundtrack thumps with intensity, driving home the urgency of each battle while exploring areas is accompanied by atmospheric beats.

But it’s the punchy, impactful sound effects that sell the weight behind each sword swing and monster roar that makes the audio design shine. Hearing metal clashing against metal as you pull off a clutch parry is immensely satisfying.

However, the songs are not groundbreakingly memorable, which is why we are rating the sound aspect as a solid 8.

The Verdict

Combat System9/10
Character Customization9/10
Bosses8/10 (based on demo)
Nine Sols Review

The verdict of our review: Yes, Nine Sols is a good game! Nine Sols shapes up to be a super cool, visually dazzling platformer with challenging, rewarding parry-focused combat. The world overflows with personality and the customization options are deep. Give Nine Sols a shot if you love indie and souls-like games!

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