Pokemon GO World of Wonders: Best Team for Spring Cup

ruekuma |  Published: March 11, 2024

The Spring Cup is back in Pokemon GO’s Battle League as part of the World of Wonders season.

Trainers can win sweet rewards by fielding the right team. Let’s explore some top team picks for the Pokemon GO World of Wonders Spring Cup!

Spring Cup Overview

The Spring Cup runs from March 8 to March 15, 2024, alongside the Ultra League. Only Fairy, Grass, and Water-type Pokemon under 1,500 CP are eligible.

Spring Cup Pokemon GO World of Wonders Best Team
Courtesy of Niantic

Dual types like Water/Poison Tentacruel qualify too if one type matches. However, the Toxapex Pokemon is banned.

Best Team 1: Balanced Powerhouses

PokemonFast AttackCharged Attacks
Galarian WeezingFairy WindOverheat & Brutal Swing
FerrothornBullet SeedPower Whip & Flash Cannon
PelipperWing AttackWeather Ball (Water) & Hurricane
Best Team for Spring Cup in Pokemon GO

Galarian Weezing’s resistance to Fairy and Grass moves, paired with Ferrothorn’s Grass and Steel typing, offers solid coverage against common threats. 

Pelipper adds Water-type coverage while resisting Grass-type moves, making it a versatile choice for the team. 

Best Team 2: Spice It Up

PokemonFast AttackCharged Attacks
PelipperWing AttackWeather Ball (Water) & Hurricane
CarbinkRock ThrowRock Slide & Moonblast
LurantisFury CutterLeaf Blade & Superpower
Best Team for Spring Cup in Pokemon GO

Pelipper provides Water-type coverage and resists Grass-type attacks, while Carbink offers Rock-type coverage and resistance to Fire and Flying moves. 

Lurantis serves as a strong Grass-type attacker, rounding out the team’s coverage against Water-types and providing additional versatility.

Other Top Spring Cup Picks

Here are some additional top picks for the Spring Cup in Pokemon GO:

PokemonFast AttackCharged Attacks
TentacruelPoison JabAcid Spray & Scald
AbomasnowPowder SnowWeather Ball (Ice) & Energy Ball
LanturnSparkSurf & Thunderbolt
TrevenantShadow ClawSeed Bomb & Shadow Ball
AraquanidBug BiteBug Buzz & Bubble Beam
WalreinPowder SnowIcicle Spear & Earthquake
MawileFire FangPower-Up Punch & Play Rough
CradilyBullet SeedStone Edge & Grass Knot
DedenneThunder ShockDischarge & Play Rough
Top Picks for Spring Cup in Pokemon GO

Build The Right Synergy

There’s no definitive “best” team, as matchups depend on your opponent’s picks. The goal is to cover the three eligible types well while having answers for likely meta threats like Abomasnow. Use sites like PvPoke for deeper analysis.

Whether going for balanced teams or spicy specialists, strategic team-building is key to Spring Cup Pokemon GO’s success. Analyze the meta, cover your weaknesses, and most importantly – have fun battling and stay tuned for more updates here with us!


  • What are the eligible types?
    • Fairy, Grass, and Water-types under 1,500 CP. Dual types qualify if part Fairy/Grass/Water.
  • What’s the Spring Cup duration?
    • March 8 to March 15, 2024, alongside Ultra League.
  • Can I use Toxapex?
    • No, Toxapex is specifically banned from this cup.
  • Where can I view the top-ranked Spring Cup Pokemon GO?
    • Sites like PvPoke provide detailed rankings and analysis.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.