Pokemon Unite Zoroark Best Moveset, Held Items & Counter 

Kyuma |  Published: August 12, 2024

Discover Zoroark’s best moveset, held items, and effective counters in Pokemon Unite. Maximize your gameplay with our guide.

Zoroark is a Speedster Pokemon in Pokemon Unite, known for its high mobility and burst damage potential. This physical attacker evolves from Zorua at level 5, quickly reaching its final form.

Zoroark performs best in the jungle, where it can farm efficiently and reach its power spike at level 7. While it can be played in the top lane, its ability to gank and secure objectives makes it an ideal jungler.

Zoroark’s combination of dash moves and unique Illusion ability makes it a strong pick in the current meta, particularly for players who enjoy a strategic and aggressive playstyle.

Zoroark Movesets and Abilities in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite Zoroark Movesets and Abilities
Image Credits: Niantic
Illusion (
Illusion (Passive)
Takes the form of a random enemy or wild Pokemon. Returns to original form when taking damage, using attacks/moves, scoring, or recalling. 15s cooldown.
Standard Attack
Standard Attack
Every third attack becomes boosted, dealing increased damage.
Dashes in a direction, dealing damage to enemies hit.
Fury Swipes
Fury Swipes
Dashes and damages enemies, can be used again if it hits.
Shadow Claw
Shadow Claw
Dashes and damages enemies, briefly stunning them. Throws enemies hit near the end point.
Dashes and damages enemies, restoring Zoroark’s HP.
Night Slash
Night Slash
Transforms movements into dash attacks, with special boosted attacks. Can culminate in a powerful air slash.
Feint Attack
Feint Attack
Dashes and damages enemies, reducing move cooldowns. Can be used multiple times with marking mechanics.
Nightfall Daze
Nightfall Daze (Unite Move)
Releases three dark shockwaves, dealing increasing AoE damage. Zoroark is unstoppable during the move.

Best Moveset for Zoroark in Pokemon Unite

Build Path 1: Shadow Claw + Night Slash

Shadow ClawNight Slash
Shadow ClawNight Slash
Held ItemsBattle Item
Muscle Band
Muscle Band
Full Heal
Full Heal
Attack Weight
Attack Weight

Weakness Policy
Weakness Policy

Build Path 2: Shadow Claw + Feint Attack

Shadow ClawFeint Attack
Shadow ClawFeint Attack
Held ItemsBattle Item
Muscle Band
Muscle Band
Full Heal
Full Heal
Attack Weight
Attack Weight

Weakness Policy
Weakness Policy

Zoroark Counters in Pokemon Unite


To counter Zoroark effectively, use Pokemon with strong crowd control abilities that can disrupt its combos. Slowbro can use Surf and Telekinesis to keep Zoroark at bay.

Clefable can prevent Zoroark from using its dash moves with Gravity. Umbreon can trap Zoroark using Mean Look, severely limiting its mobility.

Summary Table

Attack TypeMelee
Current TierA
Damage TypePhysical
Best PositionJungle
Best MovesetShadow Claw and Night Slash
Key Held ItemsMuscle Band, Attack Weight, Weakness Policy
Battle ItemFull Heal
CountersSlowbro, Clefable, Umbreon


  • What is the best moveset for Zoroark?
    • The best moveset for Zoroark is typically Shadow Claw and Night Slash. This combination provides excellent mobility, crowd control, and burst damage potential.
  • Is Zoroark worth it in Pokemon Unite?
    • Yes, Zoroark is worth using in Pokémon Unite. Its high mobility, burst damage, and unique Illusion ability make it a strong pick, especially for players who enjoy a strategic and aggressive playstyle.
  • How to use Zoroark in Pokemon Unite?
    • To use Zoroark effectively, focus on jungling to reach a higher level quickly. Use Illusion to surprise enemies, and combine your dash moves with attacks to execute powerful combos. Prioritize squishy targets and use your mobility to engage and disengage strategically.
  • What is the most powerful build for Zoroark?
    • In Pokémon Unite, the most powerful Zoroark build typically involves Shadow Claw and Night Slash, combined with Muscle Band, Attack Weight, and Weakness Policy as held items. However, the effectiveness of any build depends on the player’s skill and the team composition.

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