Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Characters List

Scarletrune |  Published: June 13, 2024

This article will highlight all of the characters available in the upcoming Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, the expanded version of the beloved RPG, features a cast of compelling characters. From the determined protagonist and his allies to the powerful demons they face, each plays a crucial role in the game’s gripping story.

All Characters List in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Shin Megami Tensei V has diverse characters in its roster and a captivating narrative, making the game an unforgettable adventure. Here we are listing all of the characters available in the game, dividing them into three groups: the Heroes, the Demons, and additional characters. Check them out!

The Heroes in SMT V: Vengeance

ProtagonistSMT V Vengeance Protagonist
AogamiSMT Aogami
Tao IsonokamiSMT Tao
Yuzuru AtsutaSMT Yuzuru Atsuta
Ichiro DazaiSMT Ichiro Dazai
Hayao KoshimizuSMT Hayao Koshimizu
Yoko HiromineSMT Yoko Hiromine

At the center of the tale is the Protagonist, a third-year student at Jouin High. After a tunnel collapse, he awakens in Da’at, an alternate Tokyo filled with demons. There he fuses with Aogami, becoming a Nahobino with the ability to combat demonic forces.

The protagonist is joined by his classmates Tao Isonokami, a caring girl with a sixth sense who supports the group, Yuzuru Atsuta, a principled young man fighting to protect his sister Miyazu and Tokyo, and Ichiro Dazai, a cheerful but underperforming student eager to prove his worth.

Other allies include Hayao Koshimizu, Japan’s Prime Minister and leader of Bethel’s Japanese branch, and Yoko Hiromine, a mysterious girl encountered in Da’at.

The Demons in SMT V: Vengeance

LilithSMT Lilith
NaamahSMT Naamah
Agrat bat MahlatSMT Agrat bat Mahlat
AmanozakoSMT Amanozako
NuwaSMT Nuwa
Shohei YakumoSMT Shohei Yakumo
AbdielSMT Abdiel Gene
Sahori ItsukishimaSMT Sahori Itsukishima
LahmuSMT Lahmu

The demonic forces are led by Lilith and her Qadistu. The seductive Naamah is known as the “Mother of All Demons,” Eisheth Zenunim consumes the souls of the damned, and Agrat bat Mahlat, the “demon who dances on the roof,” commands an army of destructive messengers.

Other notable demons include Amanozako, an energetic entity fond of the Protagonist, Nuwa, a Chinese deity allied with demon slayer Shohei Yakumo, and Abdiel, the archangel leading Bethel’s forces.

The ancient evil god Lahmu seeks to ascend to the throne, while Sahori Itsukishima, Tao’s bullied friend, falls prey to his influence.

Additional Characters in SMT V: Vengeance

SophiaSMT Sophia
GustaveSMT Gustave
MastemaSMT Mastema
NahobihoSMT Nahobiho
AmabieSMT Amabie

The game also features Sophia, lord of the World of Shadows who aids in demon fusion. Gustave, a Miman pack leader selling items, and Mastema, an archangel investigate the strange events in Tokyo.

New demons like Nahobiho, who desires a world of silver, and Amabie, a prophetic yokai from the Edo period, add depth to the supernatural cast.

With its diverse ensemble and captivating narrative, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance will offer players an unforgettable adventure. As the protagonist navigates around Da’at and uncovers the secrets surrounding him, players will create alliances, battle fearsome enemies, and shape the world’s destiny. Are you ready to join and be the Protagonist in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance?