Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Review – Must Play for Fans

Scarletrune |  Published: June 13, 2024

In this article, you will discover the review and all of the reasons why Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a must play for fans of the series!

Atlus has outdone itself with Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, delivering a greatly enhanced version of the acclaimed 2021 JRPG. This re-release is packed with new content, quality-of-life improvements, and a brand new story route that elevates the original game to new heights.

Now let’s look into the reasons why Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance can be one of the best open-world RPGs right now!

Canon of Vengeance Storyline in SMT V: Vengeance

Yoko Hiromine SMT V

The biggest addition to Vengeance is the new Canon of Vengeance storyline. This alternate path features new characters, cutscenes, and a drastically different narrative that diverges from the original Canon of Creation.

While the early hours of both routes are similar, Vengeance quickly takes a turn, offering a more compelling and fleshed-out story.

The new character Yoko Hirohime plays an important role here, joining the party early on and adding much-needed depth to the cast. Her presence leads to more dialogue and character development, making the journey through the apocalyptic world of Da’at far more engaging.

The Canon of Vengeance also introduces the Qadistu, a group of powerful demons that serve as the main antagonists, providing a fresh challenge for veteran players.

Gameplay Enhancements in SMT V: Vengeance

SMT V Vengeance

Vengeance includes many gameplay improvements that make things easier. You can now save anywhere, so you don’t have to go back to save points. The new Magatsuhi Rails help you get around faster, letting you reach areas that were hard to get to before.

The Demon Haunt is a nice new feature where players can safely talk with their demons and allies. These conversations offer insight and help you learn more about the characters. Moreover, they can also give you stat boosts. The improved level scaling makes the game more balance because it is now rewarding smart play instead of just pure grinding.

SMT V: Vengeance Runs Smooth on All Platforms

SMT V Vengeance

The original SMT V had performance issues on the Nintendo Switch, but Vengeance fixes this. The game runs smoothly on all platforms with stable frame rates and better graphics. The Switch version is much improved, making it a good choice for portable play.

In conclusion, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a must-play for fans of the series and even for newcomers alike. The new content and gameplay enhancements add depths on how player could experience the game. Even The Canon of Vengeance storyline alone is worth it, offering a new look at the story and characters.

With hundreds of hours of gameplay, lots of customization options, and challenging turn-based combat, Vengeance is a JRPG that definitely stands out! It shows that Atlus really is good in refining their games and listening to fans’ feedback. In short, don’t sleep on this one! Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is an absolute gem that shouldn’t be missed. You can pre-order and check all of the editions here.