Soulmask: Best Mid Game Base Locations

Suki |  Published: July 02, 2024

Discover the best locations to build your base at mid game progression in Soulmask with this detailed guide. We’ll explain everything!

Deciding where to build a base in Soulmask can be confusing. However, with careful consideration and planning, you can choose the best locations. This guide covers the top mid game base locations in Soulmask and explains why they are ideal choices.

Best Soulmask Base Locations for Mid Game

After you defeat the Sabretooth and Fogfrog boss, you officially enter the mid-game progression of Soulmask. By this point, you likely have an early game base established, but it’s crucial to set up additional bases in other biomes.

To help you choose the best mid-game base locations, here are our recommendations:

Hill Center Base

best mid game base locations soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

Before you defeat Fogfrog, you’ll need a good place to build a base. This hill center spot is an excellent choice. Not only is it close to important resources like tin, copper, salt, and sulfur, but it is also very near the Fang Tribe Barrack.

You can find and recruit the best tribesmen from this Barbarian Barrack. Additionally, this base is conveniently located near the Hill Teleporter, with plenty of llamas to tame in the vicinity.

All in all, this base is perfect if you are just starting your mid-game progression and preparing to defeat the Fogfrog.

  • Danger Level: Low. Minimal threats, mainly Boars.
  • Resources: Abundant. A lot of tin, copper, salt and sulfur mines.
  • Progression: High. This is a place to start progressing in gears and level.

Wetland Center Base

best mid game base locations soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

After defeating the Fogfrog, you might need to move to the next biome. For the Wetland biome, this spot is perfect and could serve as an excellent location for your main base.

While copper and tin deposits are somewhat distant, there are nearby coal pits, which will be essential as you enter the iron era. The area is also rich in Ancient Ruins and Beast Lairs, ensuring a steady supply of Green Crystals.

As a bonus, this spot offers a stunning view, with huge sakura-like trees surrounding the lake.

  • Danger Level: Medium. Minimal threats, but if you wander around, there are a lot of Beast Lairs and Bears.
  • Resources: Normal. Water, wood, bushes, and clay are a lot, but no copper and tin pit around.
  • Progression: High. This base is important to progress to the iron era.

Northern Wetland Base

best mid game base locations soulmask
Image Credits: GameWitted

This location is ideal for a transitioning base into the iron era. While there are no teleporters nearby, this won’t be an issue if you can craft your own personal teleporter.

The area is rich in resources, including iron, salt, and coal. Water and other basic materials such as clay and wood are also abundant.

Additionally, this spot is close to a Barbarian Barrack, where you can raid their farm and recruit tribesmen. However, this base is best suited for transitioning, not as your main base.

  • Danger Level: High.
  • Resources: Normal. A good place to look for iron and coal.
  • Progression: Normal. While a good spot, the Wetland Center is considerably better.


Choosing the right mid game base location in Soulmask is pivotal for your progression. Each of the recommended spots—the Hill Center Base, Wetland Center Base, and Northern Wetland Base—offers unique advantages suited for different stages of the mid-game.

Whether you’re gathering essential resources, recruiting powerful tribesmen, or preparing to transition into the iron era, these locations provide strategic benefits to help you advance.

Carefully considering your needs and goals at each stage will ensure you establish strong, resourceful bases that will support your journey through Soulmask.

Check out our Soulmask guides to help you survive in the tribal-themed world:

How to Get Rubber in Soulmask | How to Raise Comfort Level in Soulmask | How to Find the Best Tribesmen to Recruit in Soulmask | Where to Find Iron in Soulmask | Best Tribesmen Talents in Soulmask | Soulmask: All Mask Node Upgrades and Requirements

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