SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Skills to Unlock First

Suki |  Published: August 13, 2024

Discover the most crucial skills to unlock early in SteamWorld Heist 2 in this guide. We’ll explain everything you need to know.

SteamWorld Heist 2 has been receiving praise for its innovative class and skill system. Players can change character classes by swapping weapons, unlocking new abilities and skills. With limited resources available, it’s crucial to prioritize which skills to unlock first. This guide will highlight the top 6 skills players should focus on unlocking early in the game to maximize their chances of success.

Best Skills to Unlock First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Here are the best skills you need to unlock first in SteamWorld Heist 2:

Slot Machine (Boomer – Level 1)

steamworld heist 2 slot machine
Image Credits: GameWitted

Slot Machine increases a character’s Utility Item capacity by one. This allows for more versatility in loadouts, giving you access to additional healing items, weapons, or movement-enhancing gear during missions.

Nimble Feet (Flanker – Level 1)

steamworld heist 2 nimble feet
Image Credits: GameWitted

Nimble Feet increases a character’s movement range by one, which is particularly useful in larger dungeons. This skill complements the Flanker’s shotgun specialization, allowing them to get into optimal positions for maximum damage.

Sidestep (Flanker – Level 2)

steamworld heist 2 sidestep
Image Credits: GameWitted

Sidestep is an active ability that allows characters to teleport to previously explored areas of the map. This skill offers great tactical flexibility, enabling quick repositioning or reaching allies in need of support.

Hard Shell (Brawler – Level 1)

steamworld heist 2 hard shell
Image Credits: GameWitted

Hard Shell provides an extra point of Armor health once per turn, absorbing one point of damage. This skill can significantly improve a character’s survivability, especially in the early game when HP is limited.

Reticle Eyes (Sniper – Level 1)

steamworld heist 2 reticle eyes
Image Credits: GameWitted

Reticle Eyes improves weapon aim, which is especially valuable for Snipers. While it doesn’t provide the full line of sight that characters like Daisy have, it’s a significant boost to accuracy for other classes.

Maintenance Protocol (Engineer – Level 3)

steamworld heist 2 maintenance protocol
Image Credits: GameWitted

As one of the few healing abilities in the game, Maintenance Protocol is crucial for team survival. This Engineer skill can heal 4 HP in a designated area, affecting multiple characters. Having at least one character with this skill is highly recommended.

Free Sidearm (Brawler – Level 3)

steamworld heist 2 free sidearm
Image Credits: GameWitted

This skill allows Brawlers to use a Sidearm once per turn without spending Action Points. While Brawlers specialize in melee combat, having a free ranged attack can be invaluable in certain situations, such as detonating explosive barrels from a distance.

Skill Synergies

When unlocking these skills, consider how they can work together. For example, combining Sidestep with Maintenance Protocol allows for quick healing across the battlefield. Similarly, pairing Nimble Feet with Free Sidearm can create a highly mobile character capable of both melee and ranged attacks.

It’s also important to balance skill distribution across different classes. While Brawler skills like Free Sidearm and Hard Shell are valuable, ensure that other class skills are also prioritized to create a well-rounded team.


Mastering the skill system in SteamWorld Heist 2 is key to success in the game’s challenging tactical battles. By focusing on the best skills early on, you can create a versatile and resilient team capable of overcoming various obstacles.

Remember to adapt your skill choices based on your playstyle and the specific challenges each mission presents. With these skills at your disposal, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the exciting world of SteamWorld Heist 2.

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