The First Descendant Tier List: All Characters Ranked (July 2024)

Shida |  Published: July 02, 2024

Discover The First Descendant tier list for July 2024 here as we rank all characters from S to C tier, helping you dominate the battlefield with the best classes.

The First Descendant offers a variety of classes and characters, leaving many players curious about the current meta. This tier list ranks all classes from S to C tier, helping you build the best team in the game!

The First Descendant Tier List: All Characters Ranked (July 2024)

The First Descendant Tier List (July 2024)
Image: GameWitted

In this tier list, we ranked all the 14 characters available in The First Descendant from S to C tier, with S being the strongest and C being the weakest. But remember, While tier lists are helpful, any character can excel with practice and skill. Pick the character that suits your style and showcase your abilities!

Here is our First Descendant Character Tier List for July 2024!

The First Descendant S-Tier Characters

These elite Descendants dominate the battlefield with their unparalleled power and versatility:

CharactersPros and Cons
Bunny The First Descendant
Pros – Massive damage dealer, can accumulate electricity while sprinting, and devastating shock waves.

Cons – Relies heavily on constant movement to maximize damage output.
Ajax The First Descendant
Pros – Grows stronger as the battle progresses and can unleash devastating rage.

Cons – Requires time to ramp up to full potential, can be vulnerable in the early stages of combat.
Valby The First Descendant
Pros – Constant damage output, highly mobile with her water Arch, and can summon refreshing ocean waves

Cons – Requires careful positioning to optimize puddle placement and effects.

The First Descendant A-Tier Characters

While not quite reaching the pinnacle of the S-tier, these Descendants are still a force to be reckoned with:

CharactersPros and Cons
Freyna The First Descendant
Pros – Excels at damage over time, traps enemies in swamps of toxins, contagious poison spreads easily.

Cons – Effectiveness diminishes against highly mobile targets who can escape her toxic grasp.
Jayber The First Descendant
Pros – Versatile utility DPS, summons turrets for both damage and defense, excels at area control.

Cons – Effectiveness relies heavily on proper turret placement and management, can struggle against highly mobile targets.
Esiemo The First Descendant
Pros – Excels at burst damage, attaches TNT to enemies for devastating detonations, highly mobile with Arc explosion.

Cons – Relies on careful setup and timing to optimize TNT placement and detonation.
Lepic The First Descendant
Pros – Explosive DPS with tactical grenades, clears the battlefield efficiently and provides powerful burst damage.

Cons – Requires precise timing and positioning to maximize grenade effectiveness, can be vulnerable while setting up attacks.
Gley The First Descendant
Pros – Grows stronger as the battle progresses, unleashes devastating rage, excels in prolonged engagements.

Cons – Requires time to ramp up to full potential and can be vulnerable in the early stages of combat.

The First Descendant B-Tier Characters

While not as universally powerful as the higher tiers, these Descendants can still make a significant impact with the right playstyle and team composition:

CharactersPros and Cons
Viessa The First Descendant
Pros – Effective assassin with electric Arc, excels at ambushing enemies, resets cooldowns on kills in Ambush state.

Cons – Heavily reliant on successful ambushes to maximize effectiveness, can struggle in a prolonged engagement.
Sharen The First Descendant
Pros – Effective assassin with electric Arc, excels at ambushing enemies, resets cooldowns on kills in Ambush state.

Cons – Heavily reliant on successful ambushes to maximize effectiveness.
Enzo The First Descendant
Pros – Versatile support that supplies ammo to allies, offers long-range drone attacks, and provides shield recovery.

Cons – Effectiveness relies heavily on coordinating with allies and limited direct damage output.
Yujin The First Descendant
Pros – Dedicated healer who excels at keeping allies alive, provides beneficial buffs, and adapts healing based on ally proximity.

Cons – Limited damage output and requires careful positioning to optimize healing effectiveness.

The First Descendant C-Tier Characters

While not as universally effective as the higher tiers, these Descendants can still shine in specific situations or with highly specialized builds:

CharactersPros and Cons
Blair The First Descendant
Pros – Deals continuous fire damage and can trap enemies in flame zones.

Cons – Effectiveness diminishes against highly mobile targets and requires careful management of positioning.
Kyle The First Descendant
Pros – Generates and manipulates magnetic fields.

Cons – Damage output is lower compared to dedicated DPS classes.

This tier list offers an overview of the current meta in The First Descendant, showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of each character. It’s important to note, though, that tier lists are not definitive. With skill, dedication, and the right team synergy, any Descendant can shine.

Use this list as a guide, but feel free to experiment to find the playstyle that suits you. Whether you prefer Bunny’s speed, Kyle’s magnetic abilities, or Lepic’s explosive tactics, embrace your choice and create your own path to victory.


  • How often are the tier lists updated for The First Descendant?
    • Tier lists are typically updated every month or whenever significant balance changes or new characters are introduced to the game. This tier list reflects the meta as of July 2024.
  • Can lower-tier characters still be viable in competitive play?
    • While lower-tier characters may face more challenges, skilled players can still make them work in competitive settings. However, they may require more effort and specialized builds compared to higher-tier characters.
  • Should I only focus on playing S-tier characters in The First Descendant?
    • While S-tier characters are generally the strongest, it’s important to play characters that suit your playstyle and preferences!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.