Wuthering Waves 1.2 Leaks: Free 5-Star Character

Suki |  Published: July 09, 2024

Discover the latest leaks revealing a free 5-star character in Wuthering Waves 1.2. We’ll talk about the details in this article.

Excitement is building in the Wuthering Waves community as leaks suggest a generous reward may be coming soon. The game’s upcoming 1.2 update is rumored to include a free 5-star character for players. This news has sparked widespread interest among fans eager for new content. Let’s take a look at the details!

Wuthering Waves 1.2 Free 5-Star Character Leaked

Wuthering Waves 1.2 Leaks Free 5-Star Character
Kuro Games

The leak originates from a well-known source in the Wuthering Waves community. Uncle Birdie Window, a leaker with a solid track record, shared this information recently. While leaks should always be taken with caution, this particular source has been reliable in the past.

According to the leaks, Xiangli Yao is expected to be the free 5-star character in the 1.2 update. Kuro Games recently revealed Xiangli Yao’s official artwork as part of their marketing campaign for the upcoming patch. This official reveal lends some credibility to the leak.

Leaks suggest Xiangli Yao will be a Lightning DPS character. Initially thought to use pistols, recent information hints he might wield gauntlets instead. However, these details remain unconfirmed until officially announced by Kuro Games.

If true, this leak is great news for Wuthering Waves players. Free 5-star characters are valuable additions to any roster, especially for newer players building their teams. Kuro Games has a history of being generous with free characters, having already given out three standard 5-star units to newcomers.

Wuthering Waves 1.2 Expected Release Date

Based on the current update schedule, players can expect Wuthering Waves 1.2 to arrive around August 15, 2024. This date is an estimate based on when the current 1.1 banners are set to expire.

Other 1.2 Update Features

Wuthering Waves 1.2 Leaks Free 5-Star Character
Kuro Games

While the free character is generating buzz, it’s not the only exciting aspect of the 1.2 update. Leaks also mention two featured 5-star units on upcoming banners. Xiangli Yao and another character named Zhezhi are expected to headline these banners.

The Wuthering Waves community has responded positively to these leaks. Many players are looking forward to potentially adding a new 5-star character to their teams without spending resources.

As with all leaks, it’s important to remember that this information is subject to change. Kuro Games has not officially confirmed these details. Players should keep an eye on official Wuthering Waves channels for verified information as the update approaches.


As the Wuthering Waves 1.2 update approaches, players have much to look forward to. While leaks are exciting, it’s always best to wait for official confirmation. We will make sure to update anything new regarding the leaks!


  • Is Wuthering Waves available now?
    • Yes, Wuthering Waves is available to play and currently in the 1.1 version.
  • Who is developing Wuthering Waves?
    • Kuro Games is the developer behind Wuthering Waves.
  • Who is the main character in Wuthering Waves?
    • Rover is Wuthering Waves’ protagonist, available in both male and female versions.

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