Zenless Zone Zero Team Building Guide: How to Make a Strong Team in ZZZ

Kyuma |  Published: July 06, 2024

Discover the strategies for creating the best teams in Zenless Zone Zero. Our guide covers character roles, elemental types, and faction synergies.

Zenless Zone Zero has captivated players with its dynamic combat and diverse roster of characters. As you embark on your journey through the game, understanding the intricacies of team building is crucial for success.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the essential strategies for creating optimal squads, exploring the roles of each character, the significance of factions and elemental types, and how to leverage the game’s unique mechanics to your advantage.

How to Make a Strong Team in ZZZ

Making a Strong Team in ZZZ

Understanding Character Roles

In Zenless Zone Zero, each character falls into one of five distinct roles: Attacker, Support, Stun, Anomaly, and Defense. Recognizing the strengths and abilities of each role is the foundation for building a well-rounded team.

  • Attacker: Attackers are the primary damage dealers in your squad. These characters excel at dealing high amounts of damage and may also contribute to anomaly buildup, depending on their kit.
  • Support: Support characters play a vital role in debuffing enemies, crowd control, and triggering chain reactions. These characters offer invaluable utility to the team.
  • Stun: Stun characters specialize in building up the “daze” status on enemies. When an enemy’s daze meter reaches 100%, they become stunned, allowing your team to unleash powerful attacks and trigger chain combos.
  • Anomaly: Anomaly characters are experts in rapidly applying elemental anomalies to enemies. While rare, these characters can significantly accelerate the buildup of specific anomalies, leading to devastating effects.
  • Defense: Defense characters focus on providing shields, blocking attacks, and enhancing the survivability of the team. However, due to their specific requirements, defense characters may not always be the optimal choice for every squad.

Elemental Types and Anomalies

Zenless Zone Zero introduces a dynamic elemental system that plays a crucial role in combat. Each character is associated with one of five elemental types: Physical, Fire, Ice, Electric, and Ether. Understanding how these elements interact and contribute to anomalies is key to maximizing your team’s effectiveness.

Physical Anomaly
Dealing Physical damage to an enemy builds up Physical Anomaly which causes Assault and Flinch effects.– Assault: Interrupts the enemy and deals massive Physical damage.

– Flinch: Increases the Daze the target takes for a while.
Fire Anomaly
Dealing Fire damage to an enemy builds up Fire Anomaly which causes Burn effects.– Burn: Deals continuous Fire DMG for a period of time.

– Inflicting the Burn effect can interrupt Organic enemies.
Ice Anomaly
Dealing Ice damage to an enemy builds up Ice Anomaly which causes Freeze and Frostbite effects.– Freeze: It immobilizes the enemy for a while, preventing them from taking action for a while.

Shatter is activated when Freeze ends, interrupting enemy movement and dealing Ice damage.

– Frostbite: Increases the Crit damage taken by the enemy for a while.

Electric Anomaly
Dealing Electric damage to an enemy builds up Electric Anomaly which causes Shock effects.– Shock: Causes the enemy to suffer additional electric damage for some time.

– Shock effect can interrupt machine enemies.
Ether Anomaly
Dealing Ether damage to an enemy builds up Ether Anomaly which causes Corruption effects.– Targets attacked during corruption take extra Ether damage.

– Inflicting Corruption effect can interrupt energy enemies.

Faction Synergy and Additional Abilities

Faction Synergy and Additional Abilities in ZZZ
Image Credits: GameWitted

One of the most important aspects of team building in Zenless Zone Zero is the concept of faction synergy. Each character belongs to a specific faction, and when paired with characters of the same faction or element, they unlock additional abilities that greatly enhance their performance.

When selecting characters for your team, pay close attention to the smiley face indicator. A smiley face signifies that the character’s additional abilities are active, thanks to the presence of teammates from the same faction or element. Strive to create teams where all characters have their additional abilities unlocked, as this can significantly boost your squad’s overall power.

However, it’s important to note that due to the limited roster in the early stages of the game, it may not always be possible to achieve perfect faction synergy. In such cases, prioritize characters that share the same element to ensure at least some of their additional abilities are active.

Adapting to Enemy Types

Adapting to Enemy Types in ZZZ
Image Credits: GameWitted

As you progress through Zenless Zone Zero, you’ll encounter a variety of enemy types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Organic enemies, such as humans and humanoids, are particularly vulnerable to burn and physical anomalies. Mechanical enemies, on the other hand, are highly susceptible to shock and electric anomalies.

Building the perfect team in Zenless Zone Zero requires a deep understanding of character roles, elemental types, faction synergies, and game mechanics. By carefully selecting characters that complement each other’s strengths and unlocking additional abilities you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any challenge the game throws your way.

Remember, experimentation is key. Don’t be afraid to try out different team compositions and strategies until you find the perfect combination that suits your playstyle. With the right team by your side, you’ll be unstoppable in the world of Zenless Zone Zero.

Core Team Structures

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to team building in Zenless Zone Zero, certain structures have proven effective:

  1. Main DPS + Stun + Support: This classic structure provides a good balance of damage, control, and utility.
  2. Dual DPS + Support: For players looking to maximize damage output at the cost of some control.
  3. Main DPS + Double Support: Focuses on buffing and protecting a single powerful Attacker.

The key is to experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle and available characters.

Summary Table

Character RoleDescription
Primary damage dealers
Debuffers, crowd control, chain reaction triggers
Specialists in building up daze status
Experts in rapidly applying elemental anomalies
Providers of shields and team survivability
Elemental TypeAnomalyEffect
Assault, Armor BreakDeals burst damage, reduces enemy defense
BurnDeals damage over time, staggers organic enemies
Freeze, FrostbiteImmobilizes enemies, shatters for additional damage
ShockDeals damage over time, stuns mechanical enemies
CorruptionDeals damage, confuses ethereal enemies

By mastering the art of team building and leveraging the unique mechanics of Zenless Zone Zero, you’ll be prepared to face any challenge head-on and emerge victorious. So gather your squad, hone your strategies, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Zenless Zone Zero.

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