ZZZ: Corin Best Build, W Engines, Drive Discs & Teams

ruekuma |  Published: July 05, 2024

This is the definitive guide for ZZZ: Corin best build, including her top W Engines, Drive Discs, and team compositions!

Corin is an A-rank physical damage dealer in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) specializing in slashing attacks. With her massive scythe and chainsaw combo, this maid from Victoria Housekeeping Co. packs a serious punch against Hollows.

Let’s dive into the best build for Corin, including her best W Engine, Drive Discs, and team compositions to maximize her effectiveness in Zenless Zone Zero.

Zenless Zone Zero Corin Best Build

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll look into the best W Engines, Drive Discs, and team compositions to unleash Corin’s full potential in Zenless Zone Zero.

Corin’s Character Overview in Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero Corin
Fighting StyleAttack
FactionVictoria Housekeeping Co.

Corin is a shy but deadly maid from Victoria Housekeeping Co. Armed with a massive scythe-chainsaw combo, she’s an A-rank physical damage dealer who excels at slashing attacks.

Despite her nervous demeanor, Corin’s unique weapon allows for devastating combos and extended attacks, making her a formidable force against Hollows in Zenless Zone Zero.

Best W Engines for Corin in ZZZ

W EnginesImage
Steel CushionSteel Cushion
Cannon RotorCannon Rotor

To maximize Corin’s damage output, equip her with the A-rank Housekeeper W Engine. This signature equipment boosts Corin’s physical damage and provides a stackable buff that increases damage by up to 45% when using EX-Special attacks. It also enhances her Crit Rate, making it an excellent all-around choice.

Alternatively, the S-rank Steel Cushion W Engine offers increased physical damage and a damage boost when attacking enemies from behind.

For those seeking a solid alternative, Cannon Rotor provides a Crit Rate boost and has a passive effect triggered by Corin’s critical hits.

Best Drive Discs for Corin in ZZZ

Zenless Zone Zero Corin Drive Discs

To optimize Corin, you have two main options to choose from for her Drive Discs:

Drive DiscsImage
Fanged MetalFanged Metal
Hormone PunkHormone Punk Zenless Zone Zero
Woodpecker ElectroWoodpecker Electro Zenless Zone Zero

For a physical anomaly build, combine a 4-piece set of Fanged Metal with a 2-piece set of Woodpecker Electro or Hormone Punk. This setup provides a 10% physical damage boost and allows the team to place a debuff on enemies for additional damage.

Alternatively, for a general DPS build, use a 4-piece set of Hormone Punk with a 2-piece set of Woodpecker Electro or Fanged Metal. This combination offers flexibility with damage buffs and increased damage upon entering combat or switching in.

For main stats on Drive Discs, prioritize:

  • Slot 4: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
  • Slot 5: Physical DMG% or ATK%
  • Slot 6: Energy Regen

Sub-stats should focus on Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ATK%, and PEN (Penetration) in that order.

Corin’s Kit and Skills

Zenless Zone Zero Corin Skills

Corin’s kit offers incredible flexibility and damage output for those who can master her chainsaw mechanics. Here are three key abilities to focus on:

WipeoutBasic attack unleashing up to 5 slashes, with extended chainsaw attacks on 3rd and 5th hits.
Clean SweepSpecial attack with a series of slashes followed by chainsaw detonation.
Very, Very Sorry!Ultimate attack delivering massive physical damage in a small area.

Best Team for Corin in ZZZ

Best Team for Lucy in Zenless Zone Zero
Butler/ Sumoboo
Victoria Housekeeping Co.Von LycaonNekomataButler Bangboo

This physical team composition leverages Lycaon’s ability to create Daze status on enemies, while Nekomata provides frequent attacks through Assist Follow-ups.

When enemies are in a Daze state, Corin can unleash her powerful Ex-Special for massive damage. The team synergy is enhanced by Lycaon and Corin both belonging to Victoria Housekeeping Co., while Corin and Nekomata share the same attribute, triggering all characters’ team passives.


  • What is Corin’s best W Engine?
    • Corin’s best W Engine is typically Housekeeper, her signature A-Rank engine.
  • How should I build Corin’s Drive Discs?
    • Focus on a 4-piece Fanged Metal set with 2-piece Woodpecker Electro for physical anomaly, or 4-piece Hormone Punk with 2-piece Woodpecker Electro for general DPS.
  • Who works well in a team with Corin?
    • Corin works well with Lycaon for stun synergy and Nekomata for support in a physical-focused team.

Our Zenless Zone Zero characters’ best builds:

Anby | Lycaon | Soldier 11 | Ellen Joe | Rina | Koleda | Zhu Yuan | Nekomata | Grace | Lucy | Piper | Anton | Soukaku