Deadlock: Best Warden Build Guide

Shodi Madian |  Published: September 05, 2024

Warden is a designated tank and crowd-control hero in Deadlock. As a bulky, durable character, Warden can control the battlefield with his powerful skills. To maximize his effectiveness, it’s essential to equip him with the best items. This guide will cover the best Warden build in Deadlock.

Warden Skill Progression

Deadlock Warden  Ability Order
Being a tank doesn’t mean you can’t dish out good damage.

All heroes in Deadlock have four abilities, including an ultimate. Here is the complete list of Warden’s skills:

  • Alchemical Flask: Throw a flask that damages, slows, and reduces the weapon damage and stamina of enemies it hits.
  • Willpower: Gain a spirit shield and bonus movement speed.
  • Binding Word: Curse an enemy hero. If they don’t move away from their initial position within the escape time, they will be damaged and immobilized.
  • Last Stand: After charging for 2.2s, releases pulses that damage enemies and heal you based on the damage done.

While all of Warden’s skills are useful, prioritize upgrading Alchemical Flask for early fights. Follow up by upgrading Willpower and Binding Word for better control and survivability.

Save Last Stand for mid to late-game upgrades to maximize its impact when it matters most.

Best Warden Item Build

Deadlock Warden GameWitted Build
This item build enhances Warden’s abilities as a tank,

To maximize Warden’s capabilities, follow this item build. You can also set this build as your preset in-game by searching for “Warden GameWitted” in the browse build section.

Early Game

In the early laning phase, immediately purchase Close Quarters, Mystic Burst, Basic Magazine, and Sprint Boots. These items are crucial for Warden to farm Souls and harass enemy heroes effectively.

Next, prioritize Slowing Hex and Mystic Reach to increase your ability to harass enemies. After that, pick up Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor to boost Warden’s tankiness and survivability in fights.

  • Close Quarters – 500
  • Mystic Burst – 500
  • Basic Magazine – 500
  • Sprint Boots – 500
  • Slowing Hex – 1250
  • Mystic Reach – 500
  • Bullet Armor – 1250
  • Spirit Armor – 1250


Heading into the mid-game, purchase Fleetfoot, Enduring Speed, Quicksilver Reload, and Fortitude. Make sure to imbue your Willpower with Quicksilver Reload, which can be used both when chasing enemies or retreating when overwhelmed.

Next, pick up Heroic Aura, Titanic Magazine, and Point Blank to boost your damage output and survivability.

Finally, acquire Metal Skin and Escalating Resilience to further enhance your durability and strengthen Warden’s role as a tank.

  • Fleetfoot – 1250
  • Enduring Speed – 1750
  • Quicksilver Reload – 1250
  • Fortitude – 3000
  • Heroic Aura – 3000
  • Titanic Magazine – 3500
  • Point Blank – 3500
  • Metal Skin – 3000
  • Escalating Resilience – 3000


As you enter the late-game, prioritize Improved Reach to extend the effectiveness of your skills. Follow up by acquiring Improved Bullet Armor, Improved Spirit Armor, and Leech to further boost your defenses.

To complete this tanky build, finalize with Superior Duration, Crippling Headshot, Inhibitor, and Diviner’s Kevlar, ensuring Warden is both durable and capable of controlling the battlefield effectively.

  • Improved Reach – 3500
  • Improved Bullet Armor – 4250
  • Improved Spirit Armor – 4250
  • Leech – 6300
  • Superior Duration – 4250
  • Crippling Headshot – 6300
  • Inhibitor – 6300
  • Diviner’s Kevlar – 6300


By following this guide, you can create the best Warden build in Deadlock and be the designated tank for your team.

If you haven’t received an invitation to the playtest yet, check out our guide on how to join the Deadlock playtest.

About Author

Shodi Madian is a lifelong gamer who cherishes time and space, among other Infinity Stones. He specializes in first-person shooter (FPS) games like Valorant, Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six Siege, and Overwatch 2. Shodi began writing in college, covering football news, and has since gone on to write professionally for GameLeap and Spiel Times, sharing his passion for gaming with a wider audience. In addition to gaming, he enjoys watching movies and series, and creating music.