ASKA: How To Heal Your Character

Suki |  Published: June 24, 2024

Learn how to heal your character in ASKA with this detailed guide. We’ll explain the best methods you can try.

In the survival world of ASKA, keeping your character healthy is key to surviving its challenging environments and fierce enemies. Here’s a straightforward guide on the most effective ways to heal your character quickly so you can stay strong and resilient.

How to Heal in ASKA

how to heal in ASKA
Image Credits: GameWitted

Healing in Aska revolves around simple yet effective methods. Here are the available methods to heal your character in ASKA:

Consume Garlic and Onion

When your character faces the strain of the wilderness, immediate relief can come from consuming garlic and onion.

  • These common foraged foods provide a small but noticeable health boost.
  • The trick is in quantity, eating a good amount of these can significantly aid your recovery.

Rest and Recovery

Resting is another vital aspect of healing. Your shelter serves as a sanctuary where your character can slowly regain health over time.

  • As your settlement advances, upgrading your living quarters not only improves comfort but also enhances the healing process.
  • Investing in better housing isn’t just about luxury, it directly impacts your ability to recover from the rigors of Viking life.

Utilize a Healing Hut

As your village thrives, unlocking and constructing a Healing Hut becomes crucial.

  • This specialized structure offers a substantial increase in healing effectiveness.
  • Assigning a villager to focus on healing duties can further expedite your recovery, ensuring you spend less time wounded and more time exploring and thriving in Aska’s vast landscapes.


Healing MethodEffectiveness
Consuming Garlic & OnionSmall healing boost; increases with quantity
Resting in ShelterSlow health restoration over time
Upgraded HousingImproved rest quality; faster recovery
Healing Hut with VillagerSignificant healing boost; accelerated recovery
How to Heal in ASKA

This guide provides a clear method to heal in Aska without delving into complex strategies. By following these straightforward methods, you’ll ensure that your Viking remains robust and ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.


  • Is ASKA multiplayer?
    • Yes, ASKA is a multiplayer survival game. However, you can create your own offline world.
  • Is ASKA similar with Valheim?
    • While ASKA has the same Viking theme as Valheim, the gameplay mechanics are more similar to Soulmask.