How to Defeat the Bear in ASKA

Shida |  Published: July 01, 2024

Learn how to survive and defeat the bear encounter in ASKA with our comprehensive guide. Prepare, fight, and triumph!

Surviving in ASKA involves more than just building a village. One major challenge is the bear encounter, which can occur as early as day 14. This very powerful animal can destroy everything you’ve built if you’re not prepared for it. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure your survival and victory against the mighty bear.

How to Defeat the Bear in ASKA

Here is a list of some methods you can do to prepare for the bear attack in ASKA, especially early in-game. Check them out!

Craft the Right Weapons

How to Defeat Bear in ASKA with Bow
Sand Sailor Studio

To stand a chance against the bear, you’ll need the right tools for the job. Craft weapons at the Crafting Table in the Workshop Pit. Equip yourself and your fighters with Bows and Heavy Club. These weapons will allow you to deal significant damage to the bear while maintaining a safe distance.

Prepare Your Tribe

use archery to defeat bear in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

The key to success in defeating the bear lies in preparation. Start by ensuring you have capable tribe members who can fight alongside you. Train them in the Barracks or Archery Range to improve their combat skills, as this will significantly increase your chances of success.

Master Your Combat Skill

How to Beat the Bear in ASKA
Sand Sailor Studio

To kill the bear, bait its attacks and strike back, repeating the process. Use a two-handed club or better, or level up your bow skill and use bone arrows to weaken the bear before engaging in melee.

Observing the bear’s attack patterns is also essential for timing your counterattacks. After the bear charges, it may leave itself open to heavy attacks. Use these openings to deal significant damage to the bear, then quickly retreat to a safe place. Repeat this process until the bear is defeated.

By following these tips and strategies, you will be able to make sure that your tribe is well-prepared. We are sure you can face the bear with confidence and emerge victorious. Good luck and don’t be scared!


  • When can players expect the first bear encounter in ASKA?
    • The first bear encounter in ASKA typically occurs between days 14 and 17.
  • What weapons are most effective against the bear in ASKA?
    • Bows and heavy melee weapons, such as the Heavy Club, are most effective against the bear.
  • How can players protect their village during a bear attack?
    • Players can lure the bear away from the settlement by approaching it, then leading the bear to a more secluded area to fight without endangering the tribe.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.