ASKA Invasion System Explained – How to Prepare for Invasions

Suki |  Published: June 24, 2024

Learn all you need to know about the invasion system in ASKA. Explore the different types of invasions and how to prepare your village.

In the world of ASKA, building a village is just the beginning. As you settle into your new home, you’ll soon face the challenge of defending it from various invaders. Whether it’s marauding wildlife or the undead, each invasion brings unique threats that require careful preparation and strategy.

What are Invasions in ASKA?

ASKA invasion system explained
Image Credits: GameWitted

Invasions in ASKA are special events where hostile creatures target your village, akin to the invasion system in Valheim. These enemies can attack your buildings and villagers, posing a significant threat if not dealt with swiftly.

Understanding the types of invasions and how to counter them is crucial for ensuring the safety and prosperity of your settlement.

Types of Invasions in ASKA

how to defend your village against invasions in ASKA
Image Credits: GameWitted

Understanding the threats you may encounter during invasions in ASKA is crucial. As the game is still in its early stages, we have only encountered these specific types of invasions so far. We will update this guide as we encounter new types of invasions.

Invasion NameDescription
Smolkrs AttackSmall groups of Smolkrs rush into your village, consuming random items.
Blood MoonWaves of 2-3 enemies sent by dark forces during the night.
Wulfar ChargeGroups of Wulfar aggressively charge at your village, attacking buildings and villagers.
Bear AssaultA massive bear spawns and charges toward your village, damaging buildings and villagers.
Winter InvasionLarge groups of undead and demonic enemies attack throughout the night, typically during winter.
ASKA Invasion Types

How to Prepare for Invasions in ASKA

To defend against these threats effectively, several preparations are recommended:

  • Build Defenses: Surround your village with walls or fences to deter invaders and protect buildings.
  • Train Villagers: Equip villagers with weapons and assign them to barracks, archery ranges, or watchtowers to defend the village.
  • Strategic Planning: Understand each invasion type’s behavior and prepare accordingly; some invasions require specific tactics to minimize damage.


In ASKA, defending your village against invasions is a vital aspect of maintaining your settlement’s safety and growth. By understanding the different types of invasions and implementing effective defense strategies, you can ensure that your village thrives despite the challenges posed by hostile forces.

Make sure to check out our ASKA guides to help you survive in the Viking-themed world:

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