Is ASKA Better than Valheim? An Honest Comparison

Suki |  Published: June 25, 2024

Is ASKA better than Valheim? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both games and provide an honest comparison.

Survival games have taken the gaming world by storm, with titles like Valheim capturing players’ attention. A new contender, ASKA, has entered the scene, offering a unique twist on the survival genre. This article examines whether ASKA can stand up to Valheim, breaking down its key features, gameplay mechanics, and overall experience.

Is ASKA Better than Valheim?

ASKA has just released its early access, and survival game fans are abuzz. With its Viking theme, many gamers are comparing ASKA to the popular Viking survival game, Valheim.

To help you answer the frequently asked question, “Is ASKA better than Valheim?” we will provide a detailed breakdown of some critical aspects.

Gameplay and Mechanics

is aska better than valheim?
Sand Sailor Studio

Valheim’s Strengths

Valheim has gained popularity for its engaging gameplay, beautiful world design, and cooperative multiplayer. Players build bases, explore procedurally generated worlds, and face off against mythical bosses. Valheim’s crafting and building systems are intuitive, allowing for creative and complex structures.

ASKA’s Unique Approach

ASKA sets itself apart with its focus on colony management. Players assume the role of a Viking chieftain, managing resources and villagers to ensure the survival and growth of their tribe. ASKA emphasizes efficiency and management over simple survival, adding a layer of strategy that differentiates it from typical survival games.

This system is akin to the popular game Palword, and the new rising contender, Soulmask.

The Verdict:

When it comes to gameplay and mechanics, ASKA takes the lead. The introduction of colony management, first popularized by Palworld, is a significant win for ASKA. Having tribe members in your base is engaging and makes players feel less isolated in the game.

Resource Management

is aska better than valheim?
Sand Sailor Studio

Valheim’s Resource Gathering

In Valheim, players gather resources by chopping trees, mining ores, and scavenging the environment. The process is straightforward, focusing on individual effort and exploration. Players craft tools and weapons to aid their survival and progression through the game.

ASKA’s Automated Systems

ASKA introduces a unique system where players can summon NPC villagers to assist with resource gathering. These villagers can be assigned tasks, such as woodcutting or cooking, which can be automated.

This system reduces the repetitive grind often found in survival games, allowing players to focus on strategic planning and exploration.

The Verdict:

In terms of resource management, ASKA wins. Why? Having NPC villagers do the work is much more convenient. If you get bored, you can always choose to do the work yourself. The additional options for resource management make ASKA the superior choice in this aspect.

Building and Construction

is aska better than valheim?
Sand Sailor Studio

Creative Freedom in Valheim

Valheim’s building system offers players significant creative freedom. Structures are crafted piece by piece, allowing for unique and personalized bases. This creativity extends to defense mechanisms and aesthetic designs, giving players a sense of ownership over their creations.

Pre-designed Blueprints in ASKA

ASKA takes a different approach with its construction mechanics, using pre-designed blueprints for buildings. While this limits creative freedom, it simplifies the building process and ensures that structures are functional and efficient. Buildings can be upgraded over time, enhancing their capabilities and appearance.

The Verdict:

This is a tough one and really depends on the player’s preference. Some players love to pour their creativity into the game and build unique structures, while others prefer simplicity.

In this case, we would say that both games are equally good.

Combat and Exploration

is aska better than valheim?
Sand Sailor Studio

Valheim’s Mythical Battles

Combat in Valheim is dynamic, with players facing off against a variety of mythical creatures and bosses. The combat system includes dodging, blocking, parrying, and a range of weapon types. Exploration is rewarded with resources and discoveries, driving players to venture into the unknown.

Basic Combat in ASKA

ASKA’s combat system is more straightforward, focusing on basic attacks, blocking, and dodging. While less complex, it remains responsive and engaging.

Players can assign villagers to guard areas, adding a strategic element to base defense. Exploration in ASKA involves managing the village’s needs while venturing out for resources and new lands.

The Verdict:

Having support beyond your co-op friends enhances the gameplay experience. ASKA introduces a superior combat and exploration system to the Viking-themed survival genre. In this aspect, ASKA wins.

Survival Challenges

is aska better than valheim?
Sand Sailor Studio

Valheim’s Balanced Difficulty

Valheim balances survival elements with progression, ensuring players are challenged without feeling overwhelmed. However, the lack of seasonal changes can make the game feel monotonous after a while. Despite this, the static environment makes survival easier.

ASKA’s Hardcore Survival

ASKA maintains a constant threat of survival, with players needing to prepare for harsh winters and resource shortages. The game’s difficulty can be more punishing, with higher stakes and the risk of losing everything. This adds a layer of tension and realism, emphasizing the survival aspect of the game.

The Verdict:

This aspect is quite subjective as well. Casual players may prefer Valheim’s survival elements because it’s not as hardcore as ASKA. Valheim doesn’t even have a hunger and thirst meter, which makes survival much easier.

In ASKA, players not only need to manage their hunger and thirst but also contend with constant seasonal changes. Casual players might find this challenging and potentially tiring after a while. However, to be fair, you can assign villagers to assist in maintaining survivability in ASKA.

Pros and Cons

Valheim’s Pros:

  • Creative building freedom
  • Engaging combat and exploration
  • Cooperative multiplayer

Valheim’s Cons:

  • Resource grind can be repetitive
  • Limited automation for tasks, you have to do everything by yourself

ASKA’s Pros:

  • Unique colony management system
  • Automated resource gathering
  • Strategic planning emphasis

ASKA’s Cons:

  • Limited creative building options
  • Higher difficulty and resource grind

Final Verdict

ASKA and Valheim each offer unique experiences within the survival genre.

Valheim excels in creative freedom and dynamic combat, making it ideal for casual players who enjoy exploration, creative building and easier survival challenge.

ASKA, with its colony management and strategic focus, appeals to those who prefer a more structured and challenging survival experience.

Both games bring valuable elements to the table, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences for gameplay style and difficulty.

Nevertheless, if you’re a fan of the survival genre, ASKA is definitely worth trying.

Make sure to check out our ASKA guides to help you survive in the Viking-themed world:

How To Get Fiber In ASKA | ASKA: All Crafting Recipes Lists | How To Get Water In ASKA: Rain Collector And Water Well | How To Get Food In ASKA | ASKA: All Early Resources And How To Get Them | ASKA Beginner’s Guide – Best Tips And Tricks